鲜花( 2667)  鸡蛋( 22)
试试Mother's Choice Hard Surface Cleaner。COSTCO有时有卖的,大桶是PINK SOLUTION,里面赠送一小盒MOTHER'S CHOICE HARD SURFACE CLEANER和一个擦子。2 e8 k3 d8 t6 g8 z2 m
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后来发现MOTHER'S CHOICE在LONDON DRUG有单独卖的,10几块钱一盒。可以试试这个,生物酶技术,说是无毒,一般烧焦的锅底都可以蹭出来。
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You want to assure you use a slightly abrasive scrubber; such as the black nylon scrubber which comes in our Costco packs. Alternatively, you can buy them directly from us at {1.800.565.9972}. Get the abrasive scrubber seeping wet with hot water, apply that wet scrubber directly to the container of Universal Scrub (Formerly Mothers Choice), lather between your thumb and fingers and scrub the pot in a circular motion assuring to cover the entirety of the burnt surface. Leave the pot for a few hours so the solution can set in. Come back to it and scrub it off with the abrasive scrubber, seeping wet with hot water. Repeat if necessary.
i* b! U; _8 D+ H4 x; f* a链接:https://pinksolution.freshdesk.c ... 00635047-burnt-pot- |