鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
( I# A% h4 v, O) yThe employment rate among persons aged 25 to 64 with a mild disability was 68%, compared with 54% of those with a moderate disability, 42% of persons with a severe disability and 26% among those with a very severe disability.- W! L! P) k3 i7 j
http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/75- ... ticle/14115-eng.htm
" N2 Q* b8 w9 k X1 M" Z8 v1 g2 A; b F& l: i; K6 z
再看看华人,算上cbc就业率才56%, 而且1980 以后移民来的失业率极高!0 ~! b& H+ s/ x6 g( X+ {8 D
56% of adults of Chinese origin aged 15 and over were employed
. B s" C# Z4 YAbout as likely to be unemployed
9 Z6 W: N9 [8 Q `As in the overall population, young people of Chinese origin are more likely to be unemployed than older adults. This is especially true for young men. In 2001, 18% of male Chinese labour force participants aged 15 to 24 were unemployed, compared with 14% of all young Canadian men in this same category. At the same time, 15% of young female Chinese labour force participants were unemployed, compared to 13% of their counterparts in the general population.% V# C$ f- G5 B8 @
http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/89-621-x/89-621-x2006001-eng.htm+ n. n1 Y% a' W5 @; \* G1 L( B
4 C+ U" d, A+ P- ^0 w' Z0 F/ Q看看谁是懒人, 谁在当食米蛀虫 |