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本帖最后由 苏海 于 2016-6-28 10:09 编辑
}3 l @$ m1 H& a8 d' o0 n, M0 _
! b' o+ k8 C/ g3 b- T/ y中国的银行声称一名欠债一千万美元的出逃者在BC省买了四个豪宅价值720万美元。
4 M( S! T' F$ ?/ ^, D& P: M; X: a- V7 ^
; R1 b. q3 R+ k. }一家中国银行正起诉和要求冻结追回一名出逃的中国人在大温哥华地区购买的房产,该名中国人被指控未偿还价值一千万美元的贷款。1 @) z- d& g: Y/ O, ~+ J- M
4 ~4 j5 ]0 o3 W$ f
中国的银行声称一名欠债一千万美元的出逃者在BC省买了四个豪宅价值720万美元* {5 ~! V. l: H2 [4 a$ E
" d [' x- p W4 l) p5 u
. \1 B* W E c V3 d1 V, @: n$ i. c- m& |$ _4 Y& l+ q( J* ?" Z
一份由中国中信银行递交给BC省最高法院的申诉书指控阎世彪及其家人在2014年6月申请贷款时欺骗银行,谎称他们在中国拥有房产和管理一家公司。; m+ B, }5 d" k, Q' ~0 r* T/ {
U- y- v* e9 J起诉书指控阎和他的妻子当时住在温哥华并在BC省购买房产,但他们没有向中信银行报告有关情况。起诉书称中信银行找到了阎和他的妻子购买的四处BC房屋,价值七百二十万美元。. y. |. k. v* n4 H
9 j; B3 q/ O, g该项指控目前尚未在法庭获得证实,法庭也没有受到有关的辩护陈述。
. b( G* q$ O" z% ]% R7 N6 C' V
0 o3 h: X8 L. w e6 T( ?温哥华的反洗钱律师Christine Duhaime说,她为中信银行办理此案,并协助调查者追查阎世彪和他在BC省的部分房产。5 @9 i6 q5 `/ E8 S6 g* d* v
, ^$ ~$ v/ ?7 U# D- G2 \7 q* E6 iDuhaime说中国的一些银行最近几年发现,很多在中国拥有或声称拥有房产的中国人已经逃到加拿大,新西兰,澳大利亚,留下数量极大的未偿还贷款。Duhaime说,据她所知,这是首例中国的银行运用民事法律冻结中国人在BC省的房地产并试图追回不良贷款的损失。
* w& `" Q- D9 o0 N) s
% C2 h5 U) C0 M. G$ F0 H- g6 d" GDuhaime说,调查人员是否找到了阎在BC省的全部财产还不清楚。( ~6 e! _% J2 y0 `4 Y; E6 w0 o3 N) N: O
' S5 b; Q. D& O: H; I8 G, [+ |
中信的起诉书说,他们在2015年4月发现阎逃离了中国并居住在温哥华地区后采取了法律行动。, Y* ` w* O0 T) y9 G
; g) C1 m. i. T/ [9 O. w4 b
4 B/ C& A9 j' ]7 ~# v
# {9 ~7 ?9 [2 u( e. j9 ]
" `8 v- J4 G0 T" E- a+ }( v- {7 kChinese bank claims fugitive who owes $10M bought four homes in B.C. worth $7.2M, Y5 v D* D! M
+ y8 u5 a, ?2 i ~3 R
Sam Cooper, Postmedia Network | June 28, 2016 8:15 AM ET
8 m& z# T7 q$ e% r J1 `( }0 ~5 ~8 r
A Chinese bank is suing to freeze and recover the Metro Vancouver property assets of a Chinese citizen who allegedly “fled China” with an unpaid $10-million dollar loan.) y7 D) ~' N) C: z0 ?
6 m8 F1 M: y4 U& Y4 V
A petition filed in B.C. Supreme Court by China Citic Bank alleges that when Shibiao Yan and his family applied for a loan in June 2014, they lied to the bank about managing a business and owning assets in China.
5 K E: J: W O4 b3 Z0 ~3 v, O5 w
1 K% n# f3 _3 H4 VThe suit alleges that Yan and his wife were living in Vancouver and buying B.C. homes without disclosing the information to Citic. Citic’s suit says that the bank located four B.C. homes worth $7.2 million.* Z- X( k6 ^+ ]- P; F# n
: A/ C' u* b' L- SThe allegations have not been proven in court and no statement of defence has been filed.9 @7 t- {' s1 g* U
2 s, ?+ A# |. X9 hVancouver anti-money laundering lawyer Christine Duhaime says she acted for Citic on the case and helped investigators locate the man and some of his B.C. assets.5 b8 T5 }- a7 F/ h$ j
0 _! `- L7 m8 m8 i- ^Duhaime says that banks in China have discovered in recent years that many citizens who own or claim to own assets in China have fled to countries including Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, leaving vast numbers of unpaid loans behind. Duhaime told Postmedia that she understands this is the first case of a Chinese bank using civil law to freeze real estate assets of a Chinese citizen in B.C. in an effort to recover and “repatriate” unpaid loans./ p. [$ q, u* J, g# D: f
& a9 W d1 s( Z8 H- q6 ^: yDuhaime said it is not clear if investigators discovered all of Yan’s alleged assets in B.C.2 o# ^% Z8 E! o/ Z0 d T8 z
0 C( d1 S; |3 ?& J9 x8 rCitic’s suit says that the bank took legal action after discovering in April 2015 that “Yan had fled China and was living in the Vancouver area.”
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补充内容 (2016-6-28 11:53):6 ~! C, { d+ z$ d. Y; b( I$ y- |
, Q0 [3 a9 N' _! D因为在电脑上直译英文新闻,把中文贴出来时有两段重复了,抱歉,请原谅。+ u9 B% u" [/ k
因为在电脑上直译英文新闻,把中文贴出来时有两段重复了,抱歉,请原谅。- ?5 P2 _% U! k! [+ g. G2 C \
' F- _1 X6 N1 y4 |7 W1 v; r