鲜花( 85)  鸡蛋( 0)
相信很多人都知道市政府在没有争取居民意见的情况下占用很多成熟小区的Park来建FirstPlace condo。这里是我们的家园,而我们没有任何说话的权利,有点像天朝的强拆强买。市政府在整个过程,包括对后来居民的反对意见和诉讼活动中没有表现出任何的尊重和适当的沟通。
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A; b, _- c2 N* K8 j让我们发起我们的声音,更多的人参与进来,让他们知道我们是关心我们的家园的。让这些政客知道我们care,要不然你我的权利和利益都会被进一步的剥夺。
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这是Haddow居民的志愿者起草的peace Rally 信息:
, r1 P& ?# D2 p3 |5 F! ^; i, SWe invite you to join us on Saturday, June 18th at 10:00 a.m. on the driveway of 2120 Haddow Drive, located across from the construction site. Bring your family and your favourite park activity. Together, we will play in Haddow Park and voice our views about the development of our green space. It is important that we demonstrate to Rohit and the City of Edmonton the effect this has had on our community and that we will continue to stand together. This is extremely important because Haddow has another school site that could possibly face the same fate.
3 f0 {1 K5 W6 r1 D; mPlease tell your friends and neighbours to come out and join us. People from other communities, who are facing the same situation, are joining us to show their support and solidarity.
L2 ] j N7 u6 w+ s; m7 {Bring signs that express your love for Haddow Park. At this peaceful rally, we will play together, listen to a speaker, and show our solidarity as a community and our love for our park. C* C4 Y. F' g7 P4 p3 j& y5 D
Thank you for your support! Hope to see you there!0 t3 u ]3 w! x0 m
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( f% b0 \4 l8 E8 K \ACT for Community is still collecting donations toward the lawsuit. To donate see below:9 B( C# e0 V% Y2 B r3 P6 I
) r& |6 e6 ?1 N+ S# e* W- Q- C% X
1) contact Barry Kossowan, president of ACT, at barrykossowan@shaw.ca 6 y0 T8 D, D3 u7 d! I* `
5 v* s) R7 L. d6 A; }2) mail a cheque to: ACT for Community
4 N/ d2 z( t! T7 K& u9 G/ D9 @! s c/o 1758 Haswell Cove NW. ?7 u% N; Y0 {/ Y) |! Q( A9 f
Edmonton, AB
+ M7 c. ?- X8 R: B7 X8 h2 R T6R 3A90 m+ s/ v P2 [; F3 ?. x/ L
0 g$ A; S7 @& R$ p1 j
3) you can donate online at https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/8u4y5: B0 i, ^% l+ n6 Y; d# w; e