% X4 k3 I- n2 r& g. O0 rIt doesn't hurt to give a discounted offer to test water. You never know, when the owner may see that is an opportunity to sell the subject property. Good idea.
shawnyuan 发表于 2016-2-19 00:29# z4 O& b0 y7 R" B. _2 m7 I/ a
8 a! U C3 H7 h/ N3 H$ B4 C
我的建议是根据电磁辐射的rule of thumb. 虽然不少电气工程师认为没事,规范也沒严格要求,考虑健康,远离高压线!我的房几公里外就有一24万伏高压线,很多人不明白,所以高压线附近的walk out还挺贵。卡城最贵的西区山上两个手机发射塔和众多高压线,看后我放弃了。