鲜花( 3)  鸡蛋( 0)
seems a bit low, but that could be contributed by a lot of factors. 3 main reasons are 1, age/condition of your matrix and 2, how you drive it. 3, weather/temperature
/ W. ]3 o( x0 O% D, K2 T8 C/ i) y! F
: B. T R& X8 e; ? J# E5 Eif you always press hard on the gas and brakes, you will waste a lot of gas. if you live in a neighbourhood with a lot of stop signs and traffic lights, then that will also lower your mileage. try to drive your matrix a little gentler and see if it helps. + I5 Y, A9 r0 \( g8 Y8 U
* f7 n) G+ Y( ]; _winter driving lowers mileage greatly too due to incomplete combustion plus more gas wasted while idling to warm up the car.. j2 X, t9 [' i' K' \6 o. M3 c) P l
& Z" G8 C2 l' U! i