鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
% c4 @. z( K# \Guangzhou city The princess wardrobe trading CO.LTD is a modernized private company combining costume design, production and wholesale. We have fashionable clothes with best quality and we are professionals to produce and wholesale costumes of Rayli style, which includes coat, shirt, dress, middle-skirt, short-skirt, sun-top and other chic costumes. We also do business on line to provide long-term stable costume source for wholesalers, retailers home and abroad." z* E8 h3 C) y; t
We are looking forward to cooperating with old and new friends around the world with the greatest sincere! We are also earnestly recruiting retailers or wholesalers!
, J- J" ]: D9 A$ R; YWelcome to visit our company website and contact us.
/ M" G4 }" T( s, ICustomer service online:
- }8 _% `+ c# `- T* g9 G! t. fskype:chenyuting19902
" B: q9 B- f i9 c( C" Cskype:yirenfang.live.cn
0 i0 A: n% A! j3 z! y& kQQ:948914700 QQ:11599079669 ?9 p- W! b" A
QQ: 1176112414 QQ: 277231728 QQ: 996010651 QQ: 729330920 QQ: 827336082 QQ: 1109618092 QQ: 1075137910
0 ]9 Q& r1 _3 Q! |: CMSN :yirenfang_2010@msn.com. m5 i* f9 N) c$ U: |, X+ `7 d% \8 u4 y
MSN :chenyuting1990@msn.com
0 Z& ]) c! B5 K. E: X+ }% MMSN: yirenfang@live.cn
G9 x+ \; l8 f; }$ x3 ~+ jMSN : gzyirenf@live.cn
# k! i) @7 R0 P, q, zTel No.:(+86)020-34240796 : 13929554869
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