闻见学行 发表于 2012-9-3 08:33 % B+ }6 s' ~- B) c谢谢指导!我刚买的是一个35年的老房子,侧门一边做了混凝土地面硬化,后院的平台也是混凝土的,但 ...
4 R# c* i; k; W5 E1 |You may need a mud jack or concrete level. Try yellow page under MUD JACK to find a contractor. I have heard names like CLASSIC CONCRETE AND MUDJACKING, LOW'S concrete leveling solutions. + X/ `* `+ `4 A8 l2 j8 u( |FYI only, no affiliation or personal experience with these companies.
ceramistpalace 发表于 2012-9-3 12:23 0 ]" t" ~: W4 T% vYou may need a mud jack or concrete level. Try yellow page under MUD JACK to find a contractor. I ...