) O1 U3 a; e) L* {, dIs it ok to switch back and forth between regular and synthetic motor oil? I heard this causes leaks? Is this true? % w5 K7 }0 k8 `7 x4 S ) U% A1 l& K. }Switching between synthetic and conventional oil does not cause problems. Because the oils are compatible, you can switch back and forth as often as you like.) U+ X. J& n- k* r u1 J# r
2 k4 ?# R6 }5 z5 f; U, g
沃尔玛换油最便宜大概30多刀可惜现在都被MR.LUBE收购了换一次大概60刀和DELAER那里差不多了。: [( w; m% k G& y" n& D
这个也跟否定了,大家看看有道理吗? $ F6 Q/ T7 k9 _" W2 E! K- D2 a4 E9 L9 |0 E
Can you go longer between oil changes if you use a synthetic blend or full synthetic motor oil? 0 ]- X* ^. l! \+ N, U, P; N0 A" ~& L% d: a& v1 G/ O9 C
Synthetic or synthetic blended oils are not intended to extend oil change intervals. These oils are recommended for use in harder working engines and to assist with gas mileage, not to extend service intervals beyond what the manufacturer recommends. # O* M7 S0 A9 t# `% |3 m # Z( _0 R6 p: H我一直听说合成机油可以少换几次的
billzhao 发表于 2012-4-4 18:43 ( P$ ^ R9 t G- S
一个网站上的说法支持你的观点: ) ], h& d# F$ \% |9 v9 B , ^# w) W7 H9 T$ i0 E/ AIs it ok to switch back and forth between regular and synthetic ...