Sorry for can not type Chinese. 5 {7 i) o5 @5 r/ k6 ~9 [ ) u) O, b L# H0 U! `7 K$ e' E0 O6 M* gI have two questions need your suggestions: If there is only one car in the family, and the husband is the principal driver, the wife may drive the car once in a while. Does the wife have to be added on the auto insurance policy as a "secondary driver"? What's the pros and cons of the options "add" or "do not add"? / V2 {1 E8 B# c$ V# u1 s& a2 }. [, f4 [; ^3 z% W
Much appreciated for your help!
Add: may pay less for premium. 3 j, @2 x9 P9 Y! ~9 F- w( MNot add: the casual driver don't get to have insurance history so insurance premium will be higher if s/he decide to purchase auto insurance in the future.