- X, d" J: w; n1 A
终于看到考试和ceremony同一天的人了,我也是考试和ceremony同一天,我还以为我成了例外的怪物了呢!!害我又找出信来从头到尾一字不漏的看一篇$ f2 B p3 p \ a# t9 I- N
Andrewsun 发表于 2012-2-28 23:18 $ }/ z f2 J4 N m+ S3 `' U
4 G. ^- ?0 e/ Y6 q
When I took the test years back, those who couldn't pass got interviewed right away. Btw, the test shouldn't be too hard. A few minutes is good enough.
* D% Y* ]5 L Z+ Q+ O4 f
131. A Member of Parliament from Montreal announces that she will spend her weekend in her electoral district. This means she would be:5 {4 D/ p# R5 P' V* x, H% B! E5 v
a. In her office on Parliament Hill. ! W. Q9 P& [- Pb. Visiting the province of Quebec. ! {; g! e2 o" ]) h4 wc. In some part of Montreal where she was elected.7 H! a8 A8 c% S" R& E9 t7 A) g
d. Going on a vacation 7 S U4 Q3 ~ e; V I. C# U/ J题目是这样的不???
shelley.micheal 发表于 2012-3-5 00:16 . e3 Q2 H2 Z6 N0 L$ x! Y+ \* O
131. A Member of Parliament from Montreal announces that she will spend her weekend in her elector ...
shelley.micheal 发表于 2012-3-5 00:16 0 U! Y2 S, J: a. e
131. A Member of Parliament from Montreal announces that she will spend her weekend in her elector ...
! w9 _/ ], l& g- c0 R
对,就是这个题。当时我选A ,不过那个试卷是说渥太华,不是国会山庄。(其实都一样吧。)