今天收到一封信 from Helm Property Management & Realty Ltd. It acts as property managers for West Rutherford Home Owners Association. 上面说我们需要向他们补交2011的管理费 $150.00 当我们买房时,没有任何人告诉过我们这项费用。现在向我的realtor 咨询,得到的回答是,现在好多新区都会有这个费用。信上表述的公司职责是: The Association looks after the following items: 1, the perimeter fence around the entire area, and any fencing that borders onto public walkways within the perimeter.2,the fountain within the pond but NOT the pond or pond area. 3. the entry makers and the landscaping around the entry markers.我想问一下,住在新区或是rutherford 区的朋友又收到类似的信件或交过这样的费用吗?提醒在新区买房的朋友在买房时也应问问旧房主是否已经付过类似的费用。谢谢。 # L A4 _$ M6 l. U3 x/ v