本帖最后由 lightblue 于 2011-12-30 18:56 编辑 ; [8 f# P1 t6 L3 [
. R7 z. k: P4 Z
In China the salary is a big difference. In big cities the new graduate can get more money than the graduate here. I just know some of my classmate get rmb 200k only for graduating from university for 3 years. That's even better than a CAD 50K salary considering high tax here. And if young people don't need to buy a house the salary in China wlll provide a much higher life quality in China.
1 |2 G* |+ i4 R: u! p8 O: a至于刚毕业12万算很不错的.- Z. a, u9 D$ Z6 a" u% a h+ ~. t
; h" Z, i& q/ ?# d2 e+ Y
但是,绝不象某些13说的工程师能到60万,这个价位仍然是不一般的总监或者总工的级别. , R+ U: W K- |/ t L8 F