埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(18) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-11-7 11:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
父母探亲可以去一些机构学英语吗? 希望是简单一点的 而且费用不是很高的机构···
9 R, q  ^0 z0 _% H% `( {还有家里有读小学的弟弟 跟父母一起过来的话 如果要上学是否跟留学生一样的学费呢?
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2011-11-7 11:35 | 显示全部楼层
7 |3 r! Q) X4 @: a! x' v成人学英语可以去教堂或者移民组织举办的英语班,比方说sirzhang办的,一周好几次。详情查英语版相关帖子
鲜花(1348) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2011-11-7 11:41 | 显示全部楼层
记得说法是父母如果工签,小孩子可以免费入学8 S) _8 W: N; U6 p" ^
# f. }) |( S0 X. C7 O
鲜花(18) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-7 11:44 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
- D8 a; v1 q9 V9 R% [% v成人学英语可以去教堂或者移民组织举办的英语班,比方说sirzhang办的,一周好几次。详情查英语版相关帖子
  U" |5 k* u! Z' O* G6 ^billzhao 发表于 2011-11-7 11:35

/ c: d4 [' c3 x就是说 弟弟跟父母探亲过来,就可以去小学免费上学吗? 那么初中呢?
鲜花(18) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-7 11:48 | 显示全部楼层
2 C0 {- y& O' v+ \8 N4 U# {$ Y' Y7 L$ @
! P/ i* N! w: \- _sweetlele 发表于 2011-11-7 11:41
1 `- b* s, \1 E" C3 j' h5 ^
2 `  j: m4 T8 a- g2 b
但据我所知 如果父母是探亲过来的,是不能打工的吧? 还是说可以转工签呢?
鲜花(1348) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2011-11-7 11:51 | 显示全部楼层
2 _7 b% z# t1 {! u: A. ?9 O! A) f1 h- h- k- k
如果孩子的签证是study permit(如果有可能的话),那孩子可以去小学上学,学费大约1100刀/月,无所谓孩子父母有没有visitor签证(也就是说孩子自己申请学签)  U; Q8 M3 d0 x* L
/ t( f! C5 I. i, X; O( r; Q
如果孩子的父母签证是visitor,孩子的签证是visitor,那孩子不能去小学上学,只能take一些英语course,花费大约是1100刀/月: w* m' H7 s5 I' B% n8 [5 I

3 M$ }: M9 K  p* P) h& e- P+ }) r如果孩子的父母是工签,那孩子无所谓是什么签证(基本上应该是visitor签证),都可以去小学上学,不要学费
' J5 y; R/ _4 |: v1 @& c: d
6 U9 ]& I$ _  M) a1 v如果孩子父母是学签,而且注册的是至少两年的,towards学位,证书之类非esl课程,那孩子无所谓什么签证,都可以去小学上学,不要学费
鲜花(1348) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2011-11-7 11:52 | 显示全部楼层
但据我所知 如果父母是探亲过来的,是不能打工的吧? 还是说可以转工签呢?
0 ?- s& m- @$ F5 Jyumilili 发表于 2011-11-7 11:48

: @! L" }( n! t5 y% v. s那应该够呛
鲜花(18) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-7 12:40 | 显示全部楼层
sorry 我自己说的不够清楚···4 R! p. b6 U  _, Q6 \$ ]) K% b* c

8 L6 S$ K8 s, T! P$ ~# {就是说如果我申请父母探亲 他们拿到2年的super visa的话····弟弟随父母过来, 那他不能去本地的小学读书. m  c9 {1 w- u# J1 e5 G
) P# D5 `1 o/ I7 e; i& y' Q( z. u
鲜花(1348) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2011-11-7 15:51 | 显示全部楼层
sorry 我自己说的不够清楚···" ^( r7 b/ C8 }6 Y% C1 B! Y

% I: ?' k0 e' _6 A; |9 ]就是说如果我申请父母探亲 他们拿到2年的super visa的话····弟弟随父母过来, 那他不能去本地的小学读书
+ T4 O# p. M9 O- C
5 |# A& [# M" f( O* N. L8 o是这样吗?
: o6 e% H5 V) C. d2 wyumilili 发表于 2011-11-7 12:40
7 x2 s# Z& }4 ]7 ?, ?2 Q( z
鲜花(441) 鸡蛋(7)
发表于 2011-11-7 15:56 | 显示全部楼层
super visa的详细规定现在还没出来,不过cic的解释里说只有公民的父母和祖父母才能申请
鲜花(1348) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2011-11-7 15:59 | 显示全部楼层
super visa的详细规定现在还没出来,不过cic的解释里说只有公民的父母和祖父母才能申请
; f; x. S0 Z8 inowave 发表于 2011-11-7 15:56

% F! R  l4 ~  d. _; U: o" y也就是说移民不行?
鲜花(441) 鸡蛋(7)
发表于 2011-11-7 16:08 | 显示全部楼层
也就是说移民不行?# O0 }$ c: `6 Z( m8 V) Z' A
sweetlele 发表于 2011-11-7 15:59

8 Z' `9 l$ k  H
# B; P, v, R" Q6 h4 ^  n细则没出来之前不确定,cic网站上的原文是:
8 J$ E/ {2 |2 k1 J( [$ I7 `7 c! m6 R, F& W: \
Who is eligible for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa? What do they need to do to qualify for it?Who is eligible for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa? What do they need to do to qualify for it?4 u/ T6 K* v( A8 c" W

" e/ @% I" X1 H& g8 h2 N- @; f- m2 ^8 J1 `
Parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens who have been found admissible to Canada and meet some other conditions are eligible for the Super Visa.
8 s* x( Q/ I( |. u
( B. p, S! O* h/ K) o: g. hVisa officers consider several factors before deciding if the person is admissible.  This means they are a genuine visitor to Canada who will leave by choice at the end of their visit. Among the things that could be considered are: ; z5 S4 X0 z" @  U" T

- w, f. |3 ^9 I. \/ [the person’s ties to the home country,
8 e, {, D1 A6 ~the purpose of the visit, 9 c0 n, e& _2 G, Y9 K
the person’s family and financial situation, , X' S3 j4 I5 Q
the overall economic and political stability of the home country, and 2 s9 N/ a9 f4 I6 ^6 S8 Z( v
invitations from Canadian hosts.
鲜花(14) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-11-7 19:50 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(35) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2011-11-7 20:42 | 显示全部楼层
但据我所知 如果父母是探亲过来的,是不能打工的吧? 还是说可以转工签呢?
" U( j" P' W7 I6 Gyumilili 发表于 2011-11-7 11:48

, ^* a3 M% _  n
- y  V5 G6 j8 s8 B任何人都可以转工签。只要有雇主给申请LMO,而且申请人符合工作要求就可以。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-11-7 20:58 | 显示全部楼层
sorry 我自己说的不够清楚···  z) y+ T) k7 p. C3 f# F0 |" r2 H% ^
1 g: a( A& b, T* s# E/ K
就是说如果我申请父母探亲 他们拿到2年的super visa的话····弟弟随父母过来, 那他不能去本地的小学读书
# e: i0 P1 A/ K" G* E# H( s' \5 D1 q; S0 L  i6 T
0 M' l8 T- Z0 K; syumilili 发表于 2011-11-7 12:40
1 |& x4 V+ ]: b+ R. D  D
you have to pay, your brother under your parrent's case. he is a visitor.
鲜花(441) 鸡蛋(7)
发表于 2011-11-8 14:38 | 显示全部楼层
3 l. k0 \. f( q6 j* `  m6 i1 `sweetlele 发表于 2011-11-7 15:59
" a! C0 r+ ]* o% V
! M# t% X9 {2 h( U6 R, A( v
+ }! s) N; j1 S* J5 \3 r1 b
3 g$ B# o) I. X1 H+ D6 r; n$ x9 XWho is eligible for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa? What do they need to do to qualify for it?Who is eligible for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa? What do they need to do to qualify for it?
% c* z2 O0 n- ~9 mParents and grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents who have been found admissible to Canada and meet some other conditions are eligible for the Super Visa.
0 t; W" y5 [1 [
+ b6 \# t4 E# ^$ I) O& V9 LVisa officers consider several factors before deciding if the person is admissible.  This means they are a genuine visitor to Canada who will leave by choice at the end of their visit. Among the things that could be considered are:
5 r6 P, z, h* c- |
' ^) m6 _8 k' X% k0 q6 c: rthe person’s ties to the home country,
/ g! s$ Y% I+ K  O; U% u0 f( Qthe purpose of the visit, , x: [# a/ u$ J% N
the person’s family and financial situation,
, V& K! g/ z' P" d7 xthe overall economic and political stability of the home country, and 2 O0 d# T- Z2 q. p( U
invitations from Canadian hosts.
鲜花(12) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-11-8 14:50 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
: Q. B: u. @6 ^; Q: A- G1 `$ m/ ^0 b' _# n  D
Who is eligible for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa? What do they need to do to qualify for it?Who is eligible for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa? Wha ...
( C0 v) E( G9 P* K7 `- }# Z: lnowave 发表于 2011-11-8 14:38
' M' M4 q& t8 m; ?  C: P

- K* I- _( ~* M& y! r6 i0 x% S* J/ F. H
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-11-8 15:06 | 显示全部楼层
CIC又改了,这两天快被丫玩死了,靠* C8 c2 b6 M/ L/ R- N
! s- f, _* i7 W& b) j
Who is eligible for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa? What do they need to do to qualify for it?Who is eligible for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa? Wha ...
6 t5 O) V; s) u; ?0 cnowave 发表于 2011-11-8 14:38

% \' n( g# N2 h+ S4 r还好,虚惊了一场。大家都压压惊啦
鲜花(634) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2011-11-8 15:52 | 显示全部楼层
$ u; V9 p- X4 A2 Q! k5 l" n. h- A5 O7 n# ]0 Q8 u$ ]/ l
Who is eligible for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa? What do they need to do to qualify for it?Who is eligible for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa? Wha ...
9 T- L$ z; a' Z9 M1 @  F# ?nowave 发表于 2011-11-8 14:38
1 ~2 L- P% m5 O0 y  d
哈哈哈& h3 N8 f- @9 f
9 O; S2 |" P2 H. v7 ]4 q8 R. p2 ?
鲜花(441) 鸡蛋(7)
发表于 2011-11-8 16:01 | 显示全部楼层
# i% V$ ^6 b, r) H
; N7 h7 o( p  A, L0 D& R这里头怎么没有提到保险呢?
1 ]# ^. {, ^9 W! k: j! x9 j! |三思 发表于 2011-11-8 15:52
' a4 P1 F! b" ]

" X# c" b5 y/ R7 d/ h没转全:
1 L9 K' F7 J$ {# a  M3 L
, b7 L. D& [7 R& q! W+ EWho is eligible for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa? What do they need to do to qualify for it?Who is eligible for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa? What do they need to do to qualify for it?7 Z0 @' S4 r4 h$ q$ T! c" ^
Parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents who have been found admissible to Canada and meet some other conditions are eligible for the Super Visa.
" ?9 z9 d) U8 R* k
  R( r" a: `& |  K! p- o$ ]Visa officers consider several factors before deciding if the person is admissible.  This means they are a genuine visitor to Canada who will leave by choice at the end of their visit. Among the things that could be considered are:   c& B) X  Y8 _' Y; U; W) o! F

5 ?4 W5 X$ z1 m3 X! |6 Lthe person’s ties to the home country, - e2 c  g1 B) \8 O4 C! c) a
the purpose of the visit, * ?* b% a; c0 s3 a+ B; y6 F4 O
the person’s family and financial situation,
- {9 n- K+ I( X* }8 q3 E0 \the overall economic and political stability of the home country, and 0 E8 n0 f1 D, ?0 [1 |
invitations from Canadian hosts.   r4 J" \, `; d* |+ W0 _
& w( n' f8 O8 @# @3 R- K' \

3 p" n) E: W1 `$ L( |In addition to being found admissible to Canada, the parent/grandparent must also:9 t& u9 f" l1 I3 C. l. L  d' g

' j) O( H$ N8 T4 lprovide a written commitment of financial support from their child or grandchild in Canada who meets a minimum income threshold,
# O! e7 b4 n9 l, O6 ?% B- Uprove that they have bought Canadian medical insurance for at least one year to cover the period of time that they will be in Canada, and ) k. B% M3 e/ \" u8 l0 m, e2 a4 P
complete an Immigration Medical Examination (IME).
鲜花(634) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2011-11-8 16:50 | 显示全部楼层
没转全:8 z: [$ l3 i+ r, F) V! a
, s! a) @. t' ]4 Q* z
Who is eligible for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa? What do they need to do to qualify for it?Who is eligible for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa? What do they need to do to q ...
* _4 w( o  g. H, s% J( }- Q" P; Y- ?nowave 发表于 2011-11-8 16:01

/ ]. q8 O  ^- s7 L# |% O/ Y黑! 就差两行你还要偷懒!7 I+ K& o% h. O  {" s1 \
. W9 |( w$ k$ B4 {* ?/ w
一年的保险不便宜阿~~~~~~9 x. T0 X) B& f
$ r) s5 c9 a7 |2 s/ B* Z! K7 n9 u
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