什么本本都用不住,寿命都是有限的。运气好的多用两年,运气不好的两年也用不了。 5 T3 T2 S' u6 ^# p/ E7 X我那个hp,也就用了一年半。还用坏了三个硬盘。8 z: h$ @3 V. i; d) j+ ^7 m
9 w. o! X5 g6 A
我的联想 T400, 电池买了个新的换上了,也就两年吧。电源线还接触不良。不过T系列或者X系列的联想本本,用着舒服,手感好,散热也是出了名的好。
how about a 10" netbook? 6 H! r( \/ z$ A5 kNEB 发表于 2011-11-3 09:21
, m6 L! n$ Q1 Z# X' J
+ k7 a2 ?* B3 FThe problem with a net book is its screen size. Most people find it inconvenient to read things in such a small screen. I have a friend who uses a 12" laptop. He keeps complaining about the inconvenience of the small size.
netbooks are designed for travel convenience. it only weighs 2Ibs or so. if you're using it at home, you can hook it up to a larger screen/tv using the HDMI or VGA cable.
netbooks are designed for travel convenience. it only weighs 2Ibs or so. if you're using it at home, you can hook it up to a larger screen/tv using the HDMI or VGA cable.) `7 Q+ a( } q1 l
NEB 发表于 2011-11-3 09:39
% K) x. Q# l) U$ U9 [
* \6 d6 @8 a: d$ H) E: [/ Y
right.7 N( |& L( `2 |
the precondition is that he/she must have a big screen or lcd tv first.