埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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A few posts to CBC news

鲜花(541) 鸡蛋(13)
发表于 2011-10-21 09:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
More are here:9 M% [: g0 h% H' M

# \1 K8 [/ G; L2 O; i, Ghttp://www.cbc.ca/news/world/sto ... -china.html?cmp=rss
, X8 A3 s0 _* w$ `3 r
2 U% S5 [7 v! T- stanneradozen$ V0 i# [; F, E3 V$ |
" d  r0 ]- `# I
From Business and Society the Chinese people I have met in Canada ,in general, have a very fatalistic, mercenary approach to life that differs from the mainstream of Canadian life. The second generation, I’m glad to see, do not. Perhaps experiencing the overcrowding and poverty of Mainland China and the lowest-common denominator of life is cheap from the past...
$ z- y+ U0 K( W+ Q6 A4 _  _+ y# g$ @$ p3 _3 Z6 ~

- j  w" s& F' _" Q- A1 O8 SAnother guy

- D* w; _7 f% j5 m0 R6 {# Z* s- n. I0 z+ y' ?
This is not just a regional issue it is worldwide issue, this indifference happens in the United States every day and never gets reported because the media is indifferent.+ H9 K7 W2 S+ X& i1 l# k/ x

. y! ~% B* `0 ~& a8 I; J! D
; _( C; T! w, H. t( I& ?! \# sGuntherHoss
% c4 D! X, r5 k* }4 b
, _- d9 c# R" ^% i! F' RI have a medical condition where I occasionally pass out. I've had it since I was a child.
+ }7 s  V3 S1 }' ^9 K1 N
) r  T9 |( E/ @" N; X* }The one time I suffered a collapse in public I was waiting to transfer busses at a busy bus terminal in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It was 7:30 am and there were busses running by constantly. It was fall and, being a dumb teenage security guard, I was only wearing my uniform short sleeve shirt - after all, I wasn't going to be outside long and 19 year olds are invulnerable in their own minds.) ~5 F' H; ]% B. I+ G: `
5 M$ _) i, ]9 _1 W3 x4 @
I remember calling for help as the world went dark. I remember the look of horror on the face of the woman closest to me as she turned and ran. Then I remember coming to, though I couldn't move, as a nurse changing busses tried to help me. 5 minutes had passed and nobody had done anything except step over me as I went into hypothermic shock.' @+ h+ y( }6 _) z

, L0 `7 Y2 n; v" s& T' `Oh, once the nurse stopped to help everyone was acting concerned and asking if I was ok... but if she hadn't changed busses I probably would have froze to death.6 g3 J; m9 S7 ]

1 F& ]+ j8 A& M8 |It's not China. It's human nature.
8 f( E1 w* G/ X# x5 N4 @' z8 q4 M4 I# U# D& T& V

( s7 L8 {' I( g1 x: N- R- wOliverl
0 |/ r( \2 u7 v* Y0 j
- i( G& W6 T: ^/ r  t( tLots of angry comments and accusations about heartless Chinese culture but are we any better?
, ^4 Y) T  M* B) O; ^- g+ P
4 K3 F, K( z3 t$ z/ n3 b5 U  p& WIt's dramatic to see a kid run over, but there are literally millions of "yueyues" in the world right now dying of hunger, thirst, lack of medical care etc etc and we don't really do much about it.& h( a+ {# O& d/ D2 R0 F
7 {; t! e) I! [0 s( ~5 l
We know these kids are out there, we know they are suffering, but like the passersby in the video we look the other way, go about our daily business, - essentially ignore the problem as something not related to us. If asked, we say that other people, other governments , essentially someone else should take care of the problem - probably exactly what the people in the video were thinking.
! {' E6 J: \: x1 X  [* X. [" c- I5 P( G1 }3 Z% |% S- o
How many of us wear clothes, use tools, furnish our homes with goods made in the third world by child laborers? How many of us spend the money that could vaccinate a child against a terrible illness on luxuries for ourselves?  D9 K7 j8 I1 g! G! q

* K7 \/ |6 h3 W! T$ ^  gRather than criticizing these passersby, we should be asking ourselves "how different am I from them?" How many suffering children could I have saved when I instead choose to watch tv, play video games or spent my money on myself rather than others./ F/ R1 i' z3 I/ _3 I) [6 l

: ~4 V3 {+ V8 J! [$ vWe can't say we are ignorant of these realities but we seem very good at coming up with reasons for doing nothing to change things - so much easier to keep walking along, minding your own business.
( w$ D% P* C1 @  I, T; z; V7 f4 C8 N! |9 a9 y( b% u1 h
Yes we don't literally walk over a struggling, dying child, but distance doesn't make the suffering any less painful.# c, I* T3 p' \- ?/ e; t

7 H" X2 g9 O8 l% ]9 X% V5 _: w0 S/ L+ m& F6 @
Oghma6  ) v! L" z# y" p8 N+ ~
( ~+ Q5 Q' u$ |4 x0 Y. H
It's kind of sad to see the huge number of racist comments showing up.
2 t5 G0 u9 c' v5 R: @$ E* L/ N6 [8 M8 H2 G+ w3 ^1 ^4 o
When I was about thirteen I witnessed a huge man beating his wife in downtown Canberra. There were adults all around and while they were shocked nobody did anything about it. My Mother dragged me away from the area.
" J' I* U; p/ c0 Z, A- k
  z7 ^" c& ?5 |7 p8 M- d+ sWhile everyone likes to think everybody will rush in to help their fellow citizens in trouble more often than not they will be uncertain and turn away hoping someone else will intervene. The person who acts decisively and responsibly is the exception not the rule, and it is human nature, not down to one ideology or race. # c" V" ~' z7 ?

0 {$ P# D  t* c  T1 E: NThe scrap picker should be lauded as a hero for trying to save the girl. We are a sad bunch of creatures.
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2011-10-21 10:03 | 显示全部楼层
From Business and Society the Chinese people I have met in Canada ,in general, have a very fatalistic, mercenary approach to life that differs from the mainstream of Canadian life.
% p. i" S( n" [: e/ I7 q* N0 k$ @9 N+ G3 T6 _  @( B; I
FrankSoccer 发表于 2011-10-21 09:37

$ j4 U8 t- I( i6 T& c+ R( I! r- ^5 a
This is surely a discrimination against Chinese immigrants. 谁宿命论了?谁唯利是图了?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-10-21 10:18 | 显示全部楼层
another one:: V! Q, k. z9 z/ }+ I5 ^. o5 i

1 E' `4 }/ y! b6 OMs Coldcanada
9 J0 e  j2 j0 h, O: ]; o
3 o8 h' l% h) g& h# y0 p. g! wRIP Yue Yue. I know it probably wouldn't have saved your life but I wish I had been there to hold your hand and comfort you while we waited for the ambulance to arrive.
鲜花(541) 鸡蛋(13)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-21 10:26 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
This is surely a discrimination against Chinese immigrants. 谁宿命论了?谁唯利是图了?; Y7 q$ n; U% o' }) X! c4 C
billzhao 发表于 2011-10-21 11:03

- Z% j) t6 V* k* ?6 r0 g4 }! t* _' Q! I' [+ b+ n
This is probably after the removal of those serious racist comments
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2011-10-21 10:32 | 显示全部楼层
眼见为实耳听为虚,可是多少人去过中国呢?/ O- _# U. {0 a3 y  u  ?
下面这个人以切身经历,讲述中国人很友好很乐于助人  o- k) n- S: t) o- U. r
  V/ n, m. v3 e
Just an observation--I have travelled in Beijing and Hong Kong. While there I observed and was aided by many helpful 'passers by'. On one occasion, my young teenage son had purchased a cane, because he thought it looked cool. When we got on an extremely crowded bus in Beijing, a passenger insisted that he sit down, and no amount of gesturing could get the person to remain in his seat. My son refused to sit, so I sat in the spot and was subject to looks of horror. Imagine a mother taking her lame son's seat --the looks said it all. I thought about the impact this would have on those people's beliefs about westerners. --Judging the whole group on the basis of one or a few people's actions is meaningless.
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