本帖最后由 爱城一粒沙子 于 2011-9-8 12:02 编辑 $ W W8 U- w# D* S- ^) p
请问,申请父母签证延期需要提前多久申请?两个月够吗?1 m, M& ^2 ?2 B5 I( a
有人说如果递交了申请,但是在入境处给你的半年有效呆在加拿大的时间还没有收到消息,就可以一直呆在加拿大直到签证到期,是真的吗?# X% Y& f: X6 \# Q X1 r Z7 y P
tyyjohn 发表于 2011-9-7 08:28
. \: {5 V2 t8 ?, R/ P/ A0 V% S现在探亲的人多,至少要3月了,到期没有离境可视为逾期,以后再申请可能会有影响.我家老人每次都不敢,, l7 K2 T( t6 n$ v f
+ f* v/ Y" G; a7 W6 R# |, x H8 ]7 s' e, @: l" j% y
不要吓人,呵呵# O' @: Q0 l- |/ Y: a- h0 h# w
3 R1 m4 k X& m+ e( OIf your current temporary resident status is still valid you can apply for an extension of your stay providing you apply at least 30 days before the expiry date of your current status. Your original temporary status as a visitor continues under the same conditions until your application is finalized and you have been notified of the decision.
1 I. o6 u, s3 s9 @1 M# f, e a- T/ J: m! T' s5 t对不起,我的说法不负责了。; K$ _6 T/ X2 k4 D+ e M/ v
应该是30天前申请。前面的人说过。/ @7 Y0 ]+ C# M4 L- d" k: \6 N
! }+ t8 h, }4 L5 g _/ O2 a http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/extend-stay.asp / O: v8 Q2 U1 @3 Y% q6 [: [9 i ' A5 o: b' l4 y g% A CIf you wish to extend your status date, you should apply 30 days before your status expires in order to do any of the following: