看下面的fine prints: ; a, J7 M5 `+ N1 d- m- F+ WIndulge in summer’s carefree pleasures with today’s GrouponLive deal: for $12, you get two admissions to Capital EX at Northlands on Sunday, July 31 (a $19 value in advance, or a $24 value at the gate). Gates are open from noon to 11 p.m., and children under 6 years old receive free admission. 9 S4 T# S* Z5 B* \% ]( P只能 31号用
The Fine Print* x: l; M* Z! e" t
7 R9 r2 l7 R: F% T: b
Expires Jul 31, 20112 v1 b& C/ r4 [3 E s6 u1 \3 b( k
Limit 4 per person. Redeem on 7/31/11. Must show valid ID matching name on Groupon at entrance. Must provide first and last name at checkout. Refundable only on day of purchase.
多谢楼主,已经买了。" c5 o, B. L' ~. h8 I
5 l/ T5 c. o. s& H
前两天看家门口出的flyer说是25加币一张,,,吓得我都不想去了。。 8 B, a8 H. [* w1 C: C. J, a 8 b6 t: o2 c5 N; R有了这个deal。。。还可以再去逛逛,,,,,,哈哈3 n" \0 |# B+ o
rian 发表于 2011-7-13 12:36