1#amiable 7 w/ N* {" L3 i& G) G/ } ( m$ B4 q0 L/ J# { / X0 `3 |) f0 l- Gif you are a guy, I will recommend you call Mr. Yang, 7809528698, he cuts good hair. he live in lakewood 76st, 29ave
' c+ v# z5 @2 [1 ^9 P4 X* p# \3 G1 { ~( _# f% W4 J2 J1 ^4 u1 {
if you are a guy, I will recommend you call Mr. Yang, 7809528698, he cuts good hair. he live in lakewood 76st, 29ave 6 j: g& ^$ c8 T; N0 z( Ohongan 发表于 2011-5-6 23:29
/ k5 O. {& z7 g3 r0 iCan you make sure that he did not move another city or another address?
2#hongan . b: _" @4 ~' v# c3 w* {/ A- }; AI went to his address twice, but there is not any person in his home. Thus, I had to look for a new person in the website.
I just get my hair cut on Thursday night, and I called the same number, he told me he will tell me his home phone number but he forget when I left. Call another time.