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英语纠音一日集训 / 医疗英语培训

鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-10-11 22:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
洪进 & Stephanie 超强英语纠音一日集训(冬季班)- V. \1 A0 Q4 {8 f/ C, K" N
地道的英语语音就像是一套漂亮的衣裳,使你的口语悦耳动听,你也会因为标准的语音更加自信。不标准语音已成为影响广大移民和留学生学业与事业发展的瓶颈。通过对北美发音的多年研究,王洪进老师与深谙汉语的加拿大朋友Stephanie Torchia老师共同讲解独特的北美语音的训练技艺。重点讲解口形、舌位、语调、易混发音以及英美音的异同。同时,我们会系统讲解适合于中国人的发音练习方法,并为每个学员制定一套可以带回家的改进方案。费用共为$50。学员将获得一份我们精心编写的讲义。; ?9 F9 B5 ]  p) r0 b
为保证质量,每班最多为15人。名额满后报名的朋友,将置于我们waiting list上。
1 }% u" [1 y. ?, n时间:12月11日 (周六)10 am to 5 pm
  B; I3 ]! M8 w+ ^( M# \1 t地点:Riverbend Public Library (program room)         / A! K4 D3 G9 i% I' G" m5 r+ j
             460 Riverbend Square, Rabbit Hill Road & Terwillegar Drive (T6R 2X2)         ) T. ]! T, A7 I. W
电话: 780-437-2637; 780-902-6180(May);780-267-3601 (洪进);- g3 k6 R9 r# Z( X
+ }$ U; @& X9 C: \( m/ {' i3 s  x- }2 K9 d) j8 b2 l/ F3 d1 g2 k
One-Day English Accent Reduction Workshop  k1 r6 f" `3 S( Y) S
Good pronunciation to one’s speech is like pretty clothing to one’s body. If you have good pronunciation, you’ll be able to communicate with ease; as a result, people can understand you with little effort. Although many people have spent years working diligently on English, pronunciation has remained a challenge. No matter how large a vocabulary you acquire and how sophisticated grammar skills you obtain, people won’t compliment you on your English if you cannot speak clearly.  Pronunciation, a critical element of one’s English skills, has long been underestimated.
+ v2 j. b" s! E' H' d4 i& |* M$ k$ I5 o0 q' i" O, V. \
In order to help you break this bottle neck that prevents you from moving forward in your career, Mr. Hongjin Wang, who has three educations in Canada and ranked the best in every English class in the university he took, has teamed up with teacher Stephanie Torchia and open their second class this year. A translator and part-time tutor at MacEwan over the past five years, Mr. Hongjin Wang has helped many immigrants and international students achieve their career and education dreams. Intensive pronunciation correction will be practised and great tips offered. A comprehensive course package will be handed to you in class. (Maximum 15 students.)
* v6 P! W, w5 S7 T/ A; j" n) l- C2 L + T; A8 p) ?7 y8 X
医疗英语培训(冬季班). p  I3 z, E" z/ a
移民与留学生朋友们,你是否担心看西人医生,怕听不懂,不能交流? 你是否仅局限于中国医生,不能自由选择? 医疗英语真的是那么难吗? - v( c- u1 W5 g3 `
为了和中国朋友们一起开拓在加的自由天地,使看医生不再为难,不再局限,现由美国、加拿大注册医学超声影像师王洪进先生发起并讲授常用医疗英语。让你并熟悉各种医疗场景,从而尽情选择家庭医生,专科医生, 8 d" B& c" `9 [! {
王先生在过去五年中一直利用业余时间从事教学事业,现为MacEwan University 的课后辅导老师。主要为英语30, 101, 111, 托福与雅思,数理化,以及医学与商业英语辅导。
2 t$ J$ z) r4 W/ n/ H0 S( y4 b4 l 分以下七讲
7 u, \' a! G' g0 U' N+ r, e第一讲  讲解剖 (人体各主要器官位置及名称), k5 n, T  w! l8 f
第二讲 讲生理  (名主要系统的功能)
! C) l, T; u1 r# ]- Q4 _第三讲 看家庭医生常用对话表达(基本病名及其主要症状描述)  K  W2 W4 O3 l, S- O& l2 A' \6 w
第四讲 如何向医生叙述病史(包括疾病及手术)1 L2 V( ~# I4 I# M6 b
第五讲 专科医生常用表达 (如心血管、肠胃、妇产、皮肤、泌尿等)
7 ~6 F' R% H. j7 J  h3 F7 A9 P; C第六讲 女性病人如何描术生理周期及不适/ o- b) d. A7 J( f2 {
8 H+ ~. U' K9 b, l. s/ E- b
第七讲 如何最优使用加拿大的医疗体系及总结所学
) j; o  l+ H9 F+ C) k费用共为$50。学员将获得一份我们精心编写的讲义。
; E' M. a" b( q4 v, r为保证质量,每班最多为15人。名额满后报名的朋友,将置于我们waiting list上。( Y( `/ U+ ~5 K7 k, Q3 R
时间:12月4日(周六) 10 am to 5 pm
' a, g( @9 _* c地点:Riverbend Public Library (program room)         9 _' i* v/ I1 `" k2 F4 V
             460 Riverbend Square, Rabbit Hill Road & Terwillegar Drive (T6R 2X2)           W8 L6 K2 ]  o4 W; B
电话: 780-437-2637; 780-902-6180(May)4 W* P* y7 I) D, l7 \- w
           780-267-3601 (洪进)* I" w$ r8 Y4 e( @
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-13 11:27 | 显示全部楼层
We had the first medical English seminar in July 2010 and first Accent Reduction seminar in August 2010.
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-14 00:36 | 显示全部楼层
I just posted a recording. You can listen to it by clicking on the following link.
9 [' n) ]' |7 q2 _) v0 U7 c
( P. Y* b$ F3 t7 _, D$ ghttp://www.box.net/shared/cjf1tli21s  h4 q. q+ k3 @  w; N& \
! m" V9 M; {$ O; m
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-18 16:41 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
About Myself( s+ [2 z- e  q( B6 c/ b
* e2 e1 @& @$ H+ h2 F
I moved to Canada in 2004. I have since started my journey in education. Striving for the best, I have worked diligently in past few years. * \0 Y3 m7 e$ U  y: L% X- |; _

8 k9 V8 ?$ r8 v9 O+ h+ G9 ]I got 91 in the English 30 class, the highest in a class of over 40 students with the majority being Canadians. My presentation mark was the 95, also the highest in the class.; y6 b, Q3 q2 R8 l# F1 U8 u

4 F& t7 G, o, K6 Z2 e! [" aI got 95 in my English 111 class, one of the courses for the Management diploma program at Grant MacEwan University. I completed 21 courses in 11 months, and earned my diploma with distinction in 2007.
6 }& P7 y6 H) B* s
2 J, @9 O0 m8 {4 rI earned my Medical Ultrasound Diploma from NAIT in 2009 .( k( o1 B" e8 d% |) \! @

8 I# P$ l8 o  V+ F5 h0 H' x2 w% PI am also a master’s of engineering student at the University of Alberta, and achieved 95 in the Communication and Team Management class, which I took as an elective from the MBA program. & ], S* r0 {- X
  y  a# U% f* B3 [; d9 z* C
I am now working full-time as a medical sonographer, and a part-time tutor at Grant MacEwan. I am also the Chief Chinese flutist at Alberta Chinese Orchestra, where I play Chinese music.% l) U/ F" g  e0 @* C

! C, r; Y! A( c( W3 NI have helped more than 60 students from Grant MacEwan, the University of Alberta, and Athabasca University in a variety of subjects such as English 101, TOEFL, Science, Calculus, physics, biology, anatomy and physiology, and corporate finance. " A4 f5 n. {0 C! X4 U
' C0 F  E" V! F2 v1 |5 B

; V8 t8 t6 p; o/ f. T" ]Thanks to the support of the Chinese community, we have organized a series of seminars at the Riverbend Library. I taught a medical English seminar in July, and a pronunciation seminar with my friend Stephanie Torchia in August, and a TOEFL iBT class in September this year.
3 e# n+ o) B+ M2 m- M
* o% _7 r- L9 U% F: f( _
' Z, E8 o2 ]8 c+ WHelping Chinese immigrants and students obtain the fundamental skills in life, education, and career is my ultimate goal.
8 a$ P$ b; T7 b9 G( z0 ?. A" n1 j* }
In the past, I have also experienced the same pain of unclear pronunciation and inability to express ourselves in the heath care environment. I understand how much we need these necessary surviving skills in Canada, a place we have planted seeds for the future for our family, our children, and ourselves.
4 b/ {( C, m+ w1 N% Z5 s+ q% G, Z5 \$ d7 C0 Q+ I" {7 }
My dream is one day I can devote all my life to teaching and helping our Chinese immigrants and students to achieve their fullest potential in this land, called Canada.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-10-18 20:16 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-24 21:23 | 显示全部楼层
I believe unclear pronunciation is a career bottle neck for many talented Chinese immigrants and students. Yet, pronunication is relatively easy to improve within a short period of time. So, I would strongly encourage people to participate in this seminar.
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-26 21:41 | 显示全部楼层
My friend, co-teacher of the pronunciation seminar, Stephanie Torchia just finished a recording of the Little Mermaid. Please enjoy.
) W' h! S' o5 l' o! z9 p( u, i! S4 W' c  s+ m
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-1 09:31 | 显示全部楼层
Quite a few friends have asked us how much they can improve by attending this seminar.The greatest benefit is that we will help you diagnose what problems you have with your pronunciation and the right techniques to overcome them. Defining the problems is the first step, and correcting them is the second.
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-2 14:57 | 显示全部楼层
Stephanie Torchia is the co-teacher of the workshop. She was born and raised in Canada,  but she speaks fluent Mandarin, although her background is Italian. She is a supervisor of a Chemical Lab, and teaches music in her spare time. Over the past few years, she has frequently conversed with Chinese immigrants and students, and can indentify the common challenges existing in their speeches.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-11-2 19:02 | 显示全部楼层
  事 项:
8 W6 @3 S& s2 v+ U8 \/ p/ L  10月13日,德美化工发布公告,公司将受让浙江丽水博士达高分子材料有限公司60%股权。4 O, C( x" T7 I/ ]7 w6 Q9 _
  华创观点:- k5 N) O) }0 H, @; M& h
  (1)10月13日,德美化工发布公告,公司拟以不超过人民币2000 万元的价格受让博士达部分股权及向该公司单方定向增资,交易完毕后公司将持有博士达60%股权。博士达成立于1998年,adidas,主营合成革和制革新材料。公司主要产品为合成革水性材料,目前拥有两万吨产能。生产合成革时,将无纺布等基材浸于水性材料中,将水分烘干后成革。1 F3 t$ ]8 ?2 c+ q0 _1 h6 t
( e, }. W" `  t9 A4 [' U0 v8 l  (3)受益于合成革行业本身的发展,nike。我国合成革行业以每年15%-20%的速度稳定发展,每年的增量市场为合成革用水性材料提供了广阔空间,每年约新增水性材料需求60-80万吨。& {# u6 I5 y. R6 [
  (4)目前国内自主生产水性材料的公司较少,主要原因是水性材料具有较高的技术壁垒。一方面生产过程中的参数控制极为严格;另一方面,水性树脂中水分的挥发潜热大,用传统烘干设备不易烘干,导致制革生产效率低下,而中波红外烘干技术的应用使水性材料在合成革领域的产业化应用成为现实。目前国内具备水性材料生产能力的厂家主要有优耐克、博士达、华大、科天等十几家公司,每家公司的生产规模也较小,一般在3万吨以下,国内市场供不应求,主要依赖进口拜耳、旭化成和陶氏化工等国外产品。1 \" o( M4 }6 G& \/ K4 p" c
9 z% F( B! _  g/ X: n. f更多精彩文章:' ]. ^: {, U" i4 T- W1 S, f6 O+ e

/ ]9 T+ H' g- ?) h0 R  
! e3 ^" u3 Z0 P; N  T6 ^) T   生活家减肥指南:喝水太少反而影响你的瘦身效果
; W% a6 \( Z& c& `4 g. Z4 x2 w  8 C* _# `9 P: a) I' X1 |
   国际新观点 吃得少未必能减肥
5 e+ T$ d. h5 |, Z6 E1 N  7 m9 d/ p- B+ ~# H9 C  G1 _$ ?
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-6 15:48 | 显示全部楼层
Although we can learn English by studying alone, pronunciation is one of the challenging areas that we can hardly improve totally on ourselves. 5 h& [; Q% A$ O
4 X4 `9 g" J# [
The purpose of this workshop is to maximize your learning benefits in a short period of time, by using the unique training system we have developed. This system took us a long time to develop, so you do not have to do all the research, as we have already done it for you.8 ]3 r5 a9 P2 Z+ h+ b
$ A& c7 N  w, [9 f' d) s+ |# V# M/ z
Now is time to take advantage of this great opportunity and excel in your studies and career.
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