撞车了!在路口右转时,被一辆在右侧行驶车撞了右前轮,这种情况应该是谁的责任。 * D7 y9 B# |$ L2 m7 f; W9 W & T8 B8 e, C' A. b% N当时临近路口了,我打灯希望并线并右转,可是在车已经转过来的时候,被车撞倒。对方的车左前侧有些掉漆了,没有其他明显伤痕。如果修理大概需要多少钱。
If you are at fault, your coming year's premium would be $300-500 higher depending on which insurance company u are with. Don't try to settle the case privately if it involves any bodily injury. No matter what happens, always notify your insurance company at the first time. Your insurer will help you determine the estimates for the damage. If you decide to pay the damage out of your own pocket, this won't affect your next year's premium, but you still have to let your insurer know.