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发表于 2005-12-19 12:18
米拉迪 美丽而邪恶的化身——读《三个火枪手》有感# Q( T( X0 x- ~; Y
摘要:本文对《三个火枪手》一文中的反面人物米拉迪的性格特色( 美丽善变;邪恶凶狠;沉着冷静;惊慌失措)做了简单的分析。从不同的角度阐述了米拉迪这个裹着天使躯壳的魔鬼女人的传奇一生。
6 s5 T8 W/ m1 q" U" ]) f3 K: h' ^5 a: f& d9 U& ]% Y" M
在当时的背景------法国国王路易十三,权倾一时的首相---黎塞留红衣主教,和安娜.奥地利王后三权分立的情况下,米拉迪作为红衣主教的心腹便粉墨登场了。①# t+ c5 H5 B& y( _" M' N
米拉迪,一个充满传奇色彩的女人,她的一生生活在逃避中。此女天生丽质,在多次遭男人遗弃,肩上烙一朵百合花的情况下(那是当时欧洲女子犯过罪的耻辱),依然穿梭于上流社会中, 成为法国红衣主教黎塞留的亲信。可见她有着超强的交际手腕。大仲马就是通过不同角度的心理描写,刻画出一个有血有肉的反面人物---米拉迪。
3 D" `7 P4 `3 @* L3 `; _3 _4 @. ~/ c她外表天姿国色,内里蛇蝎心肠。在经历了多种坎坷后,凭借自己强有力的手腕,成为红衣主要最得力的亲信。& t/ y7 Q1 J8 u" ^0 U
大仲马用连续五章囚禁场面的铺陈,将米拉迪时而像温柔的天使,时而像凶恶的魔鬼,时而口若悬河,才气横溢,时而凶像毕露,暗藏杀机,最后把狱吏清教徒勾引得神魂颠倒,终于入其彀中的内心世界描写得令人叫绝.②: [0 ]8 D0 [; M- B. n
一个外表美丽的女人,让人感觉柔情似水,特别对一个男人来说,更是一个致命的诱惑,米拉迪就是一个典型的代表。正如文中所说:Milady, reclining in an armchair near the chimney, beautiful, pale, and resigned, looked like a holy virgin awaiting martydom.③6 V3 B8 O+ X0 y
米拉迪很善于利用自己的语言技巧来博得别人的怜悯,可也和她坚实的才华功底紧密相连。‘Sir,’ cried she , ‘be kind, be clement, listen to my prayer! That knife, which the fatal prudence of the baron deprived me of, because he knows the use I would make of it! Oh, hear me to the end! That knife, give it to me for a minute only, for mercy’s , for pity’s sake! I will enbrace your knees! You shall shut the door that you may be certain I contemplate no injury to you ! My God! To you –the only just, good, and compassionate being I have met with! To you - - my pre server, perhaps! One minute that knife, one minute, a single minute, and I will restore it to you through the grating of the door. Only one minute, Mr. Felton, and you will have saved my honor!’
9 v$ V, t' H5 Q5 Y& D, E- C这个小段可以说极其成功的刻画了她高超的语言技巧,言语中伏笔处处,对自己想要自杀的事只字未提,但却让费尔顿的疑心大大减少。可以说这一段从一个小小的侧面体现出了米拉迪高超的语言技巧,她的才华等于尽在不言中。: d0 j( U% i' @1 S; Z5 X: v
同时,这个看似温柔美丽女人的背后,也有着可怕的一面,象一个凶恶的魔鬼。“What hared she distills! Motionless, with her burning and fixed glances, in her solitary apartment, how well the outbursts of passion which at times escape form the depths of her chest with her respiration, accompany the sound of the surf which reises, growls, roars, and breaks itself like an eternal and powerless despair against the rocks on which is built this dark and lofty castle! How many magnificent projects of vengeance she conceives by the light of the flashes which her tempestuous passion casts over her mind against Mue. Bonacieux, against Buckingham, but above all against D’Artagnan- - projects lost in the distance of the futrue. ”
2 o2 \1 ~. ~3 V& V" C0 z上面的米拉迪是多么的可怕,字字充满仇恨和残暴。但她又是十分善变的一个角色,只要场景需要,她随时都可以随意控制和改变自己表情,这也是她能够在各种斗争中一直处于优势的重要因素。 “No violence ; violence is the proof of weakness.”这是一句经典的话,这寄予着米拉迪强者的风范,虽然她是一个反面人物,但从她身上仍体现出女人最大的武器----温柔美丽。这如文中所说“Then, as if to render an account to herself of the changes she could place upon her countenance, so mobile and so expressive, she made it take all expressions from that of passionate anger,which convulsed her features, to that of the most sweet, most affectionate,and most seducing smile. Then her hair assumed successively, under her skillful hands, all the undulations she thought might assist the charms of her face. At length she murmured, satisfied with herself, ‘Come, nothing is lost; I am still beautiful.’”
* G" `2 N$ B2 HMilady saw the trouble. She felt by intuition the flame of the opposiing passions which burned with the blood in the veins of the young fanatic. As a skillful general, seeing the enemy ready to surrender, marches toward him with a cry of victory, she rose, beautiful as an antique priestess, inspired like a Christi an virgin, her arms extended, her throat uncovered, her hair disheveled, holding with one hand her robe modestly drawn over her breast, her look illumined by that fire which had already created such disorder in the veins of the young Puritanm …. 一位老谋深算的将军,同时也是基督圣女的化身。她就是米拉迪,大仲马笔下的一个传奇人物,出色的洞察力,放荡的心理及先发制人的特色刻画的栩栩如生。让人感觉米拉迪的恐怖。
/ c9 B( d+ c# J; k一个人,无论她有多么骄纵,多么不可一世,在失败和死亡面前都可能低头,因为人是善变的动物。米拉迪当然也不例外。“Milady, pale as a corpse, endeavored to cry out ; but her swollen tongue could utter no more than a hoarse sound which had nothing human in it and resembled the rattle of a wild beast. Motionless against the dark tapestry, with her hair in disorder, she appeared like a horrid image of terror.” 正是这种无言的刻画,把米拉迪那沉着,镇定的个性描写的淋漓尽致。虽然她的内心充满了恐惧,但作为一个女人,在生死关头仍然如此‘冷静’,真的很值得我们体味。9 u) a+ l3 \* y( G8 y! ]; U
但在火枪手们审判米拉迪的罪行时,这个高傲的女人却发出了恐怖的尖叫。即使狡猾冷静如她,当意识到死亡真正来临时,也无法抑制内心巨大的恐惧: Milady uttered a frightful shriek, and dragged herself along several paces upon her knees toward her judges… At these words, which left no hope, Milady raised herself in all her pride, and wished to speak; but her strength failed her. She felt that a powerful and implacable hand seized her by the hair, and dragged her away as irrevocably as fatality drags humanity. She did not, therefore, even attempt the least resistance, and went out of the cottage. 上面的描写可以说和上段米拉迪在前面面对死亡时所表现出来的态度截然不同。这似乎有所矛盾,但其实不然。她以前面对死亡是冷静的,因为她有着超人的洞察力和过人的胆识,她有信心自己可以渡过难关。也就说一个真正的强人,有着超强的观察的,可以探测到自己的生死。米拉迪就是这样的人。3 d: W* X; ^$ \8 P& O0 ?$ @8 e
米拉迪就是这样一个女人:美丽的使人眩目,邪恶的又令人痛恨。如同潘朵拉一般的感觉,打开邪恶的盒子,让罪恶充斥人间,最终也将以悲剧结尾。在中世纪这个女性地位低下的时代,米拉迪却能如鱼得水地穿梭于上流社会。经过一代巨匠大仲马的清楚刻画,一个女人的‘坏’在米拉迪身上发挥得淋漓尽致,让读者清楚看到了邪恶的神韵和风采。 |