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Road tripping with friends, the luxury of steering away from the traffic of the metro, the convenience of going to work, the expediency of roaming around the city and many more; those are just some of the known benefits one may get from owning a car. This only proves that everything is possible if you happen to have your own car. If you wanted to go somewhere else, you can do it so without the need to worry about the bus schedule every now and then. You wanted to fetch a friend late at night? You have all the might to do such things if you happen to own a car. But if you think that owning a car all means fun and glory, better think again because aside from highly priced gasoline products, there are more things yet for you to be prepared of financially. Oil cleaning and changing every month, checkups and tune ups, annual overall car cleaning, overhauling, minor repairs, scratches,christian louboutin, dents and most of all failed auto engine. Those are just some of the things one might consider first before owning a car. With all those repairs and maintenance, failed auto engine kicks off most. They happen to be the number one reason why many motorists abortively plan to own a car. Imagine that by replacing your failed auto engine, you need to shell out not just hundreds but thousands of dollar just to keep that vehicle running well and good once again. Thanks to remanufactured engines like those on Marshall Engines because they bring affordability and supreme performance all at once. If you are planning to change your disastrous auto engine,Sergio Rossi, you can easily do it so by purchasing brand new ones with thousands of dollar on their price tag. But if you are a wise and smart shopper, instead of buying brand new engines, settling for remanufactured ones will do no difference aside from its lowered cost. See that a remanufactured engine is not your traditional second hand engine like what we can usually get on most savage yards; they are professionally cleaned and rebuilt to give utmost performance on the road without slashing too much money on our pocket. Remanufactured engines are re-oiled, cleaned several times, and undergone thru major evaluation and assessment to make sure that every minute part is working well. Unlike second hand engines, buying remanufactured engines will not require you to see a mechanic just to make sure that the engine you opt to buy is proven to be working or not. Remanufactured engines like those on Marshall Engines also come with a warranty to provide 100% customer satisfaction guaranteed. You also need not to worry about engine specific models because most remanufactured engine store carries all brand types and models.
3 P' U) L5 J# q; F% ^How many times do people get together and after a little while, they wonder what to do in order to entertain themselves ? It actually happens all the time.. Instead of always doing the usual routine such as playing music, dancing, eating and just hanging around, wouldn’t you like to offer your guests, moments they would remember for ever, that would set your party apart from all others ? It’s just a matter of being a little creative and offering people games that they most likely have never played or even heard of before. We live in a world filled with routine and if you can provide others with moments that break the monotony of every day life, then you’ll definitely be on other people’s priority list when they are looking for good times. We offer you the possibility to instantly learn how to play dozens of the most sought after party games around the world. You get nothing but the most amazing group games, beer games and card games at your disposal. Men and women will both totally enjoy playing these awesome games with friends, family or co-workers. Age and education level will not be a factor in uniting people from all backgrounds to enjoy these wonderful party games. The “Ultimate Games Guide” is without a doubt an incredible asset to have for any kinds of parties : “Birthday Parties; Bachelor, Bachelorette Parties; Christmas Parties; New Year’s Parties; Easter Parties; St-Patrick’s Day Parties; Beach Parties; BBQ parties, Office Parties; Family Parties; College Parties and many, many more… The Ultimate Games Guide is a great way to instantly bring people together, especially if many of your guests do not know each other. It’ll definitely be the easiest way to break the ice. The vast majority of these games require very little material if any, therefore you can play them in any kind of environment, at any given time. You basically get to reach out to every kind of persona live, the outgoing ones as well as the quiet ones. Here are just a few of the incredible games you get to learn :
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7 R, F' C! U, R q% {+ TThe time has come. You’ve decided to change your business structure. You’ve chosen that to shed the sole proprietorship phase of your endeavors and adopt the structure of the limited liability company. Smart move!But, now you’re faced with some assets that you – as a sole proprietor – own that you’d like to transfer to the newly formed LLC. Just how do you do that?Two simple ways come to mind. The first is an outright sale. The second is a contribution of capital. We’ll tackle each here briefly.Your new LLC is a separate legal entity. So, what you want to do is to change the titles of the assets you seek to transfer to reflect the name of your new LLC. If you choose to do this through a regular sale, you may find yourself subject to certain taxes, depending on the amount of depreciation left on the equipment itself.Let’s look at the sale of your computer, for instance. You bought it several years ago for $1,500. You’ve already taken all the depreciation that’s available for it. And you – in the capacity of your title of sole proprietor – will now sell it to the LLC for $750. The new company simply writes a check to you for the purchase. And all you need for proof of this is the bill of sale. Since you have no depreciation, you have a taxable gain of $750 from the sale of this piece of equipment. After all, you’ve just made $750.If instead of outright selling it, you give the computer to the new company as a “capital contribution” you could avoid paying any taxes on this equipment. And it requires very little paperwork (which is always good). All you need to do is to make an adjusting entry in the financial books of the LLC. You may also want to add a memo or a resolution to the company articles recording the transaction. Be sure to indicate that the exchange was mutually agreed upon by the two businesses.From here, the LLC uses what’s called a “carryover” basis for this piece of equipment. The LLC uses the same rate of depreciation that you’ve been using. If you’ve already written off the entire cost of the equipment, as in the example above, then the carryover rate is zero.So since you bought the computer for $1,500 and you’ve only taken a depreciation of $500, then the carryover rate of the LLC is $1,000. The LLC is obligated to report this on the owner’s Schedule C of his/her tax returns (which by the way is you!). For the purpose of tax filings, nothing has really changed.Now what do you do if you want to transfer an asset that you’re still making payments on, like a car? This may cause a few headaches – but it’s nothing that can’t be overcome. First, let’s consider that the car is already paid for.In this case, you simply take the title to the appropriate office in your state and transfer the title from your name to that of the LLC. You may request the LLC to purchase it or you may decide to make it a “capital contribution” to the firm. (In either case, don’t forget that you also need to change the name on the car insurance policy as well.)If you’re still making payments on the car, the lender may have a “due on transfer” clause attached to any potential sale. This means that as soon as you transfer ownership to the LLC, any remaining balance owned on the car becomes due to the original lender. In effect, somebody has to pay off the loan.Many lending companies may allow you to waive this clause – especially in a case such as this. After all, you are going to pay either way – in the persona of the sole proprietor or as the owner of the LLC. Double check with the lender before you begin this process.If a due on transfer is in effect, they may indeed waive it. If they do, make sure to get this in writing. (Don’t leave something as important as this to just a verbal agreement. The person in the lending institution may resign the day after he tells you this and you’d have no proof!)It’s always best, though, before you make any transfers to speak not only to a qualified CPA who can guide you through the maze of your own state’s tax laws, but to an attorney as well. Take your time and make wise decisions, and the process of transferring assets will a smooth and easy one!p class=”articletext”# u2 b3 A+ c) U2 a- {5 M
Casino scams are everywhere. High payouts and promising winnings are put up in huge slogans thereby attracting people who want to earn money the fast, easy and enjoyable way. A fact is gamblers waste a lot of their time, in the hope of winning. So they don’t give up easily.Studies show that gambling problems can easily occur in individuals with no self control. It is necessary for one to identify if he has problems, so it can be identified and acted upon promptly.Here are some questions one should ask to detect if there is a problem:* After gambling, when you lose money, be it a small or a large amount, do regret it, or feel resentment?* When you win, do you have a strong desire to win more, therefore you want to go back?* When you lose, do you feel a need to go back very soon?* Do you spend a lot of time gambling, usually longer than what you planned?*If you have problems, do you gamble to forget them? * Are you spending more time gambling than with work?*Do you not stop until your very last dollar is taken up?*Do arguments take place between you and your family as a result of your need to gamble?*To finance your gambling, do you borrow money from friends or associates?Gambling addiction can be destructive. Family, friends and your reputation are at risk. It is a condition often times ignored. There are escape gamblers that affect seventy five percent of women from their thirties and up. Usually the reasons for gambling is to escape from the emotional pain that they are in, being bored, lonely, depressed or that they make gambling their hobby or past time. These types of addiction can be cured in three to six months.The action gambler is much more difficult to deal. Most are men, where gambling for them creates ecstasy like a drug addition. This is much harder to cure, since the individual will deny the fact, when confronted. They will typically not stop until left with nothing, financially.As gambling creates a lot of scams, it is a fact that still more and more are drawn to it. The primary reason is to win a huge amount of money. But then comes in the most lethal of reasons — that of feeling a certain euphoria. Scams or no scams, an individual still continues to gamble and is a reason why offline gambling still thrives today.p class=”articletext”
, n$ W/ q1 f* Y K$ l/ N1 eJeffrey Lenkov Article The Washington State Supreme Court found that the state broke its own rules for maintaining alcohol breath-testing machines and has ruled unanimously that alcohol breath tests in cases of alleged drunken or impaired driving aren???t admissible in court if they haven???t been properly calibrated to reduce inaccurate readings. This, of course, protects innocent drivers from being convicted on the basis of incorrect breath test readings. Administrative. Under an administrative license suspension, a person???s license is taken away before conviction when a driver fails or refuses to take a sobriety test ??“ i.e., right on the spot and before you ever go to court. Some states will suspend your license on the spot when you are arrested for DWI, even if you have cooperated and taken the required Blood Alcohol tests. Jeffrey Lenkov Attorney Services enalties can be severe for first time offenders and are always greater for second and third time convictions. Convicted drunk drivers will have a subsequent criminal record. Contrary to popular belief, a drunk driving conviction may remain on your record forever unless your state allows it to taken off (expunged). Therefore, it will appear on your record for employers, credit bureaus, and government agencies to see. The police practice of maintaining records of convictions is an issue independent of how far back the prosecutor can go to allege ???prior convictions??? against you to increase the penalties if you are convicted. Jeffrey Lenkov Attorney Services No one reported that, because passenger-miles driven increased by over two billion miles during the same period, according to NHTSA, alcohol-related traffic fatalities continued their long-term decline in terms of miles driven. That is, fatality rates continued to decline. Regardless of interpretation, we need to continue our efforts to reduce both alcohol-related and other driving fatalities. annulment A court procedure that dissolves a marriage and treats it as if it never happened. Annulments are rare since the advent of no-fault divorce but may be obtained in most states for one of the following reasons: misrepresentation, concealment (for example, of an addiction or criminal record), misunderstanding and refusal to consummate the marriage. Jeffrey Myles Lenkov News : Researchers at the Center of Alcohol Studies at Rutgers University found that raising the drinking age to 21 simply shifted fatalities from those aged 18 to 20 to those aged 21 to 24. They concluded, on the basis of their exhaustive federally-funded study, that drinking experience, not drinking age, is the most important factor. 1 Jeffrey Lenkov Article A single death caused by alcohol consumption is one too many. Each such death is a needless tragedy that permanently traumatizes many others. Drugs Drugs and driving may be a bigger problem than generally recognized. A New England Journal of Medicine report on drivers without alcohol in their systems who were stopped by police for reckless driving found that 45% had marijuana and 25% had cocaine in their systems. 5 A study by the he Insurance Institute for Traffic Safety of interstate tractor-trailer drivers found that 15% of all drivers had marijuana, 12% had non-prescription stimulants, 5% had prescription stimulants, 2% had cocaine,Christian Louboutin Sandals, and fewer than 1% had alcohol in their systems. 6 Jeffrey Lenkov Lawyer No one reported that, because passenger-miles driven increased by over two billion miles during the same period, according to NHTSA, alcohol-related traffic fatalities continued their long-term decline in terms of miles driven. That is, fatality rates continued to decline. Regardless of interpretation, we need to continue our efforts to reduce both alcohol-related and other driving fatalities. More results: Jeffrey Lenkov Attorney Article Jeffrey Lenkov Attorney Org Jeffrey Myles Lenkov Attorney
9 k( ]3 y' T2 q8 M4 X0 {1 wWould you like to download PSP games whenever you want? Well, you are about to discover some of the various ways to download free games for PSP using the internet. This will provide a new way for you to enjoy exciting game versions via online channels and services.So how do you download free games for PSP?Well, due to the wide availability of online versions of games, you can now equip yourself with some of the latest modules that you can enjoy using your PSP device. Here are some of the main sources of PSP games that you can download;The first way to download free games for PSP is through free sites. There are various web portals that provide free versions of games for download. Most of these sites are hosted by game enthusiasts who share the common thought of letting other PSP players acquire free game versions. There are free sites that let you download free games upon registration. You will have to provide your e-mail and some contact details in order for you to acquire the links lading to the game software. However, there is a little concern with these free sites. For a beginner, they are somewhat difficult to find because most of the time, they are hidden along torrent portals due of copyright issues. Also, most of the offered software games are a little old compared to game versions available in the market today. Some people even experience technical difficulties because a number of these free PSP games do not work or no longer compatible for current versions of PSP. The next possible source would be the pay per download websites. You can access unlimited numbers of PSP games for a minimal fee. With such condition, you will have to pay for each download request upon retrieval. Although available games here are at least better than free sites, some people find them too expensive to buy, especially for frequent downloads. Also,Christian Louboutin Sandals, not all available games in the market may be found in pay per view websites.One more option for you download free games for PSP is through membership portals. Some websites offer membership applications for PSP players. Apparently, this option is far the most common modes of downloading PSP games among users. Some users even consider this as easily the easiest and best way to get PSP games. You will just have to pay a one time registration fee and you are all set to download unlimited files anytime. You can opt to choose only the games that you want without wasting time for searches. The websites are all very easy to use because they are customized for simplicity and reliability for users. Also, you can get additional value added services such as game reviews; soundtracks download and even receive newsletters for game updates.Playing PSP games are fast becoming the hype among game enthusiasts. Aside from the portability of the device, games are at par with the normal Playstation game quality. Hopefully, you can choose from the given options for downloading PSP games on the internet.7 V2 R$ G" _4 P+ Z G& H
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' V- V# A. o5 @( y% |6 v1 a; k3 OMonday, October 20, 2008By Drew Mackie (Contact)Article Tools Print friendly E-mail story Tip Us Off iPod friendly Commentsdl class=”accordion-menu” id=”my-dl”dt class=”a-m-t” id=”my-dt-5″ title=”Add this to some of the most popular social networking sites and programs.” Bookmark Thisdd class=”a-m-d” del.icio.us. Digg! furl google newsvine reddit technorati Facebook Yahoo!/dl!– /small-ad –!– sphereit start –The Santa Barbara Police Department is reporting that an apparent gang-related stabbing either late in the night of Sunday,Christian Louboutin News 2010, October 19, or early this morning resulted in a 15-year-old boy being taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening wounds to his arms.According to a press release from police spokesperson strongSgt. Lorenzo Duarte/strong, the boy was waiting to meet a friend at the corner of Voluntario and Cacique streets when a vehicle approached. The boy estimated that five people were in the car. Two stepped out, asked the boy where he was from, and then allegedly “stated a local gang name” and began stabbing the boy. Though he fled, he suffered stab wounds to his arms. A family friend transported the boy to Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital, whereupon police were summoned.Duarte asked that anybody with information about this incident call strongSgt. Gaona/strong at (805) 897-2339.!– sphereit end –Related Linksli style=”text-align:left;list-style-type:square;list-style-position:inside;padding:0px;margin:0px;”More gang coverageStory Help (Click-ability)Double-clicking on any word or phrase in this story will open a reference window with definitions and links to other reference material.
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Many people don?? know that it?? possible to make a living online, or at least a good extra income. Most think you have to have to go to college and have a great job to make a lot of money these days. Well if you think that way, I?? about to really surprise you, and show you exactly how you can make a lot of money online starting now! Don?? worry it?? not a scam, pyramid scheme, or any of that fluff. I know, when I first heard about making money online that was the first thing that came to my head too. But when I started collecting checks every month, my whole theory changed! So enough of all that, I?? actually going to show you how to start making money online now! What I want you to do first is go to a website called ClickBank and sign up (it?? free). What they do is manage a bunch of different products that you can promote for a commission. All you need to do is send traffic (people) to that product page, and if they buy, you make your commission. The correct term for it is, becoming an affiliate. Here?? a quick example to clear your up your confusion. Lets say one of the products is selling for $100 and you get a 50% commission. Every time you make a sale, you??l obviously make $50. So if you get 10 people to buy it, you??l get a check for $500! See what I mean, it?? possible to do and extremely easy! Once you??e signed up in ClickBank, the next important thing to know is obviously picking a good product to promote. Now this is where a bunch of affiliates fail to be successful online. But right now I?? going to tell you a quick tip that helped me become extremely successful, very quickly. Under each product in the ??arketplace??of ClickBank, there?? something called ??rav?? what it means is Gravity. What that tells you is if the product is selling well. You always want to pick a product that is over 50 gravity. If the product isn?? over that, don?? go for it! Once you know that, you??l be able to successfully sell products on ClickBank. The reason you want the Gravity to be high is because that tells you that other affiliates are successfully selling it. Let me tell you a quick secret that most people don?? know about Gravity. The number of Gravity actually means how many affiliates that product has! For example, if the gravity is 75, that means 75 different affiliates are selling the product at that time??Easy enough right? So now that you have that down, go make some money online! It?? seriously not as hard as most people think, especially when you have the right people teaching you. That?? how I became successful online, just happened to be around the right teachers at the right time!
8 F9 s* D) |: v& nArticle Rating: 0email this articleprint this articleMekashron Call Center Software is such a package you are looking for. It provides everything from managing contacts, sending emails, SMS messages, and everything from unlimited numbers of on-site customer service workers to remote sales reps is catered for.PTo increase the productivity, a call center needs to operate very effectively and efficiently. To achieve this, there has to be lots of integration in the functioning as there are huge amounts of data that need to be monitored. Call center managers rely on lots of web-based tools for monitoring the performance of their staff. What if you can get everything in a single package and you are not required to depend on lots of individual tools anymore? It will be great and will also save time and effort to collect data from various sources.Mekashron Call Center Software is such a package you are looking for. It provides everything from managing contacts,Christian Louboutin Boots, sending emails, SMS messages, and everything from unlimited numbers of on-site customer service workers to remote sales reps is catered for. Your staff will have everything on their fingertips. Our software drills down and analyzes your data in order to provide a true insight into all of your business processes. It provides a complete VOIP solution running on SIP. Your staff can manage thousands of calls to potential customers through hi-tech predictive dialer. It provides a complete history of any of your client’s data regardless of who has spoken with or emailed the client in the past. It has inbuilt email marketing feature to send out emails to millions of clients at the touch of a button. It provides an effortless database management enabling you to get access of wrong data. You can immediately take action to request for the replacement of data from your supplier. It provides powerful statistics and reporting feature. By using Mekashron Call Center Software you are in complete control of your business and your customer service. It satisfies all the attributes of good call center software.So if you are going to set up a call center or are already running a call center, you must try Mekashron Call Center Software. You will definitely be benefited by the features it provides. Moreover, it is very easy to install, configure and setup. We provide you full support and assistance and are always available at your disposal.Read the comments of our users and download the software here: Call Center Software/PMiller owns a software development company in Israel. The team had developed various high quality softwares including, but not limited to, Mekashron Business Software, Mekashron Call Center Software etc. To purchase software or get custom software built according to your requirements, visit http://www.mekashron.com/.# M4 a2 e5 S- K5 r+ I: T
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By John Stith 0 The unmanned Russian cargo ship Progress M-53 lifted off early on Friday morning in from the Baikonur cosmodrome. The ship takes roughly two and half tons of cargo up to the International Space Station (ISS).The ship is loaded with various items like food, water, oxygen, and other supplies for the astronaut John Phillips and cosmonaut Sergei Krikalyov, who’ve been aboard the ISS since April. The oxygen issue has been a problem since the ISS oxygen generate broke down a couple of weeks ago and the crew has been relying on spare oxygen in storage tanks. This should relieve that problem. More supplies and equipment should be available soon when the Discovery lifts off in early July. It will be the first time a shuttle has visited the station since the Columbia fell apart in it’s descent back in early 2003.While the cargo ship went up, another came back down. The cargo ship had been there for some time and descended back to earth landing in the ocean. Mission Control said that most of the ship and garbage had burned up in reentry and just some minor bits of debris landed on the ocean. John Stith is a staff writer for WebProNews covering technology and business. |