昨天去save on foods买菜,路过日化柜台,看了看nivea SPF30的防晒,楼主买的是不是黄色包装的?我只看到这一款SPF30的,如果楼主买的是这一款的,那它应该不算物理防晒,我看了一下成分,主要的三种有效防晒成分都是化学的,最次要的一种是二氧化钛,含量比较低。有的防晒商品是物理成分和化学成分并存的,我认为只要有化学防晒并且占主导作用就还是算化学防晒,所以你如果确实对化学防晒过敏的话,就应该换掉这支润唇膏了。小蜜蜂家有SPF8的纯物理防晒,涂上比较白,我会再上一层唇彩,似乎也有15的,但我没看到哪儿有买的,就买了个8的,如果能经常记着补涂,SPF8也够用了。
* O' M8 l$ J9 r: e: r2 |The EA 8 hour cream is amazing ! I haven't bought one for a long time, b/c it lasts for years ! 2 z1 H# S" c4 J0 U. j. a2 H& G0 T! zLast time I bought was $26.00, it can be for chapped , burnt skin. Esp. if you got burnt from cooking or fingertips got chapped (wrap with transparent plastic overnight). But I think there's no SPF with it. It is a super product that I will recommend. Do you know it also got into the hall of fame in cosmetics field !!!