i have one buy in the salon. i brought it for around $100, now i have to move back to china, and sell for $40. it is very good, and the stylist said it is not destroy your hair as others did for high tempurature.
更喜欢CHI 100多点吧~~ 我买了好几年了,当时那款只有三个档位的温度调控,现在用得依旧顺手~~ . A: B- F) b! g. l9 N 8 _1 w. H' I. M' I, w8 K也用过其他的,总觉得CHI在夹得过程中头发很顺,不会有拉伸的那种不适感,当然啦,还有就是头发少的MM不会夹成那种贴着头皮薄薄的一层。。