本帖最后由 小黄 于 2010-6-4 11:32 编辑 1 M+ ]. h4 l# s8 O/ L
5 \* b( p$ c0 F( p" f8 G
I had this problem before, when my car was 6 year old. 6 I( M. w l8 T) D' ZSteering wheel need lubrication. $100 if not under warranty.
I had this problem before, when my car was 6 year old. , H" ^" C4 N; _4 {6 ZSteering wheel need lubrication. $100 if not under warranty. ; z0 ]3 s: `7 ?, R小黄 发表于 2010-6-4 11:30
& Y& ^- U3 N% H/ T, S3 f9 c; N$ f! ?' Z( M+ X: R. a- i. c& L2 s6 `
谢谢黄教授呀。车还在保修期呢。哪天去加加油吧。- Z0 ~6 _. n* Z5 u, x) o
There is a mechanism that would automatically cancel the turn signal after your turn. That's the one causing the problem. i' W+ W8 Y- m/ a) `" @% u9 {
小黄 发表于 2010-6-4 11:46