大概有一两个月了,我身上会不定期的起一些红疙瘩,近几天几乎天天起,一般起在胳膊、腿、背、腰部、腰以下的臀部,起的时候是呈片发作,刚起时较小,有绿豆大小,有点痒,然后逐渐变大,一二十分钟后有指甲盖大小,最大的有1dollar钱币那么大,当然形状不是那么规整,红红的,鼓起的扁平形状,像被蚊子叮咬后起到包。大概要4、5个小时才能消退,有时更长。. |" j; Y! D+ E5 @3 D n& n
保健药: I have, Doctor saying this medicine can cure many diseases, i want to doing this business,but i have not time to start yet, once i doing this medicine, i will contact with you, please give me your email address and telephone number, i will keep until i doing this business. take care! Linya: `0 u9 |& s2 z( _
Email: lmc98@yahoo.cn