鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
6 f) M) f4 ?8 G6 Y. g然后我就跑到omegle去看了看 & `5 X$ k) b- y' Q
听说说自己是中/国/人的话有人会骂的|||但我还是说了~~对方是一个很好的女性哦~~好幸运!~啊啊~好友好的人~~然后居然是德国那一块的啊~~哦,中华图库,路德~~【口胡,人家明明说是“我住在附近的荷/兰/德/国边境,大约2小时远离阿姆斯特丹。”】不好意思...“阿姆斯特丹”我不知道在哪||| & `2 U% e% F9 Q0 q% i* l+ B1 d
以下为我们的聊天记录~请忽略掉我那蹩脚的英文||| 1 e" z1 b5 @5 {+ n7 r
Stranger: hey!! / X$ k) ]9 S8 Z6 ~4 r
You: hello
+ J2 T* ?6 `0 ~# G! AStranger: where are you from?
5 O5 w; E, e% tYou: I'm from china # d1 y% v$ p# {; B
Stranger: hello china!!
9 e3 G3 `0 j | L; P" M" SStranger: how old are you? 1 z# l" Q. `% O* v% l" Q5 Z, V
You: only 14
& b1 D) h, ^' c: o0 W J4 w: [Stranger: hello china who is 14!!
2 P P/ ^: h# H' F+ H1 @0 \8 dYou: where are u from?
& y% c: I" ~& q$ Y! YStranger: i'm from around!
/ R" {& c0 K" Z1 N* |You: sorry.I don't konw... 6 U0 \6 H; V. h* M$ i
Stranger: thats okay!
7 Q* u K3 n" d* o% B2 ?7 n+ _Stranger: will you learn me some chinese words? - u, s1 s1 x* ^: ]8 k& ~& n
You: sure % z$ k- R- T2 G" t8 K
Stranger: so what is "i think you are cute" in chinese?
+ w& }. S; t" ?. f! {You: 我觉得你很可爱。
8 ~# y% E- p+ H* d* ^3 zStranger: oh wow! :))
9 F3 H8 Y, P5 {. }4 XStranger: are you a boy or a girl? % M; l8 U8 _, _! A4 T: N' E Y
You: Is that me? * r9 O3 Y" Y1 e* e+ |. w4 j
You: girl & ^6 I. l6 d. o6 L+ Q" ^& f
Stranger: im also a girl! m, J9 ?/ t, C2 u6 H# J) H, C) m
Stranger: do you have a myspace?
6 w2 A' q x/ p% p7 R# N+ NYou: “myspace” sorry,i don‘t know the meaning of the word 3 }+ D0 F0 m/ j$ h
Stranger: oh sorry!
8 n1 d& F! _+ \& {/ p1 Y$ XStranger: so what do you want to talk about?
1 o5 M8 B) |" fYou: It seems some people here on the attitude of the Chinese people is not good.
* F e. I/ I B O" WStranger: oh why would they do that? ) s5 [ p$ m5 H9 J
You: i don’t know the reason why they do that... 2 i4 Y- [. R3 @) J7 a( {3 T
Stranger: how is it to live in china? i would love to go there on a holiday... & ?0 [. S2 ^$ d9 u& R7 L+ c1 g6 E4 d" o( E
Stranger: (and some people do that because they dont respect other people, but i do!)
; ]3 p. y. k5 ?8 \ x8 C L" pYou: en...I like your character ~
% T# r) g3 ^9 {4 j2 P5 S0 Q7 xStranger: í live in holland right near the german border, about 2 hours away from amsterdam. % G2 a% D' H6 e7 k6 x
You: My English is not good, you do not mind,创新图库, right?
7 @. E7 p/ S x- j# C: TYou: I love that place ~
# @3 g" w! ]* z& e0 f! |Stranger: no i don't mind
& x; e4 T) K9 _0 U1 pStranger: i'm 26 years and i have a 3 year old son :)
. O+ V# o( [& a7 e0 X3 Y9 @You: you are happy,港妹图库,right~
! x9 q, Y8 s+ \2 p- V9 @ f* |Stranger: yes very happy.
' v8 @5 h' D! R l# g: z, b, vStranger: are you happy?
# i+ M& \# X7 [: j' T# w- a$ sYou: yes.and i am proud i'am a chinese~
' G6 v% y% V: [ M! }$ yStranger: and you should be :)
8 O2 [' t4 O* \( }You: and ...where do you want to go on vacation? 1 o0 r2 L- P" t9 }/ c5 C$ Z7 P
Stranger: do you have an emailadress? i have to go... maybe we could be penpals? 2 v4 A# ?9 I1 n8 X6 W- X1 l
You: 【吡――】(我消音了XD)
# p8 f& r; U6 p" FStranger: mine is 【吡――】(继续消音XD) ! o- x* ^. F% p. o3 |
You: we could chat with each other next the time,right? 3 G h5 f: N3 j( j! D5 u4 Y% V* w
Stranger: it was really nice talking to you and i look forward to email with you :)
4 ^$ ]6 K3 v, m# N' Z# q* _Stranger: yes, right! 4 u N$ o4 G- y0 D& z k
You: me too。
! \. W% S" Q7 i: [3 cStranger: bye bye then! have a nice weekend! xoxo 4 w( x) e0 C) ^4 N S1 N4 J
You: thanks. bye~
3 V+ _5 _4 E" g $ n) w- z% Z& i/ L) _
接下来又开始了一段新的对话(啥)$ h* M; c" \) L2 U- {& ]+ _
You: hello~
! _" A3 Z2 t" H1 G5 O UStranger: hello¨) F6 D E, Y9 l" k! A8 f
You: where are you from?
4 J, F8 q" B% Y% G# \" C9 E; oStranger: lake of fire8 A( {3 B N6 x. q
Stranger: you?1 ~# k3 e5 j p2 e& L
You: china- U/ g1 F; \$ W( \* c
Stranger: where's that?(其实这个时候我很想吐槽,你那个地方我真的不知道啊!!!火湖?在哪个国/家|||)
2 e, c- `+ Q! RYou: In the Asia
9 \; g5 s$ v1 g+ L" XStranger: i know man, L' G8 T/ s% ` t6 k5 _
Stranger: just kidding(亏我还在认真的回答...被耍了么|||)
0 W0 Q! o# l4 U' T* O你吓到我了|||中/国这么大的地方...结果原来你是开玩笑的么||| |