鲜花( 1)  鸡蛋( 0)

楼主 |
发表于 2010-4-27 11:59
我怎么查到的是$25for initial test~Anyway,$25也不算太贵) y2 r8 n$ h1 L- I" p7 }" ^7 s0 W! ]8 f
To become an orthodontic patient (adult or child) at the University of Alberta, Department of Dentistry, Orthodontic Clinic you must first call (780) 492-3065 for an initial examination ($25.00). After this initial examination, it will be determined by the supervising clinician if you are a good candidate for our program (more complex cases will be referred to private practice), if so you will be informed as to your treatment plan, length of treatment, and accompanying costs. |