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Prayer - Speaking the Lost Language of God

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发表于 2010-3-12 06:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
We Are All Spiritual Beings Experiencing Having A Human Experience   l% c: i) ]3 d
I know I am a spiritual being having a human experience. And it is the same for every man, walking the face of this earth, good or bad. I know this without a doubt. If it weren't for the relationship that I have with this "higher force," this god essence, I don't know how I would be here today to write about this.  H* D; H1 v2 |$ T8 g

* i5 I1 F' w# f
9 X* m/ S- }2 ]0 A! M- w# f8 G2 ?3 |$ Y$ H) }
The second event was also tragic, but was done on purpose.: Y3 N; F1 F$ B* Z+ J' H
$ I# J9 O$ k0 d1 M6 _, @7 Y

- a$ n5 a% W. u* V8 h / x8 O7 k! b: J0 [7 z) [- j

4 [6 a9 ~1 M+ |0 V$ f+ w8 L7 o
' D; @, \. Q2 ]4 _" Y. e$ k7 B" Z9 l, Q, J! D" W, l9 g" ?5 n4 }

9 m8 Z1 t' {- F% e+ Y
: r8 Q& b. k8 K* B% A& o2 v' z2 ]( K6 h5 L9 ]1 ~3 u
Western civilization has lost the esoteric teachings of spirit when we were stripped of some of the oldest teachings on the subject. The first loss occurred in about 48 A.D. when the great Library of Alexandria burned down in a civil unrest.( l5 Q- P9 g0 C5 ~* ]7 }
; }0 b0 R% L' b$ E6 ~* _9 Q

& a$ v9 ^+ o; p- b" b2 \3 i, ^: y
. y" j* R& l# Q) [Christ Often Spoke In Riddles 4 W4 Q! i" v  }" s! T' N/ J
"He that hath an ear, let him hear." He often spoke of the bride and the bridegroom, the man and the woman becoming one. The marriage ceremony. There are great truths here if you can hear them.
( f. [8 d& X7 s) v' g" E% g0 h3 t5 W9 y2 S& n# E' h/ t

4 w4 S/ \1 u; Y7 W" l- C
9 W$ J* {7 c/ H8 W6 o% D! c  @, T+ k. O8 m

& U+ i: Q+ K+ M6 p2 B1 d# \1 o6 C, l0 q  Q; m# x
6 \3 l8 D3 V4 q
$ ^: M! c2 t" ?' U8 I/ w( d1 H

% b6 H  P) t" D# \* f+ eSo when you pray, don't pray for rain, don't pray for abundance, pray abundance, feel abundance, pray rain, feel rain.
/ ~9 Q' p$ i4 d7 v, l% i4 {4 H( J, o9 |/ C( |

$ E, G5 v7 J& ^1 s! D: }) q* V$ f/ `8 u
2 H( l$ ?* D! MAnd the majority of the teachings are unfortunately,louboutin heels, based upon something that was corrupt to begin with: a means to control the masses. Something originally built upon corruption cannot have a sound foundation. Even Christ said this: a house built on sand will not stand.
4 `6 ]7 _8 V3 h$ X* q. |
7 Q& z0 q* i5 I( {5 o% I
/ }% D3 r% G* N7 I& K; |2 b! Z & c# @$ k  E9 h' G" X8 d  |) `

/ J9 D- e. C/ V3 M- Y+ O
+ Y5 M: P8 G5 z% _: a& f! V$ B, _# y
5 i5 i' E' E0 ?9 x6 a9 \' c: j; u* ^
When they removed the part about "God Within Every Man,abercrombie tee," they removed the foundation of the spiritual teachings in the first place.! R; t/ G1 f: x) Y- d$ |

' o, ?2 b5 g8 e( h5 K0 C
! X+ W: J: T* z# w
  G4 D8 A- {; R/ _- ]; MTHE FEELING IS THE PRAYER. Not the thoughts, not the emotions, not the words, not the tears -- the feeling./ C& A* \( s  K& T; i# G
0 H9 W0 s3 \2 D  J$ P4 U/ ~, Y

5 l) v5 F# Q7 u& S* [. Z
0 V5 ^0 \( `; k( MThink of it like this: "when your thought [the top three chakras, crown,ed hardy hoodies, third eye, throat - the "male" energy] and your emotions [the bottom three chakras, root, procreation,hollister shirts, emotion - the "female" energy] meet in the heart chakra [the center] and marry - they produce a feeling which is emitted to the field [God, Force, Spirit, Energy] in an electromagnetic pulse to bring you back your desire. (When the two become one).( |" P& J& h- Z* u/ V$ w9 @
& O" V+ C8 y& T, ^8 a) ~$ {

  M, p3 l7 t( d  M% p2 c$ b/ b
# ]) {, z: n/ P& r% S28 Books Were Removed in Their Entirety
" b" K$ e, Y" ?7 J7 ]+ ZThey removed about 28 or so books, edited about 40 more and you are left with a watered down version around a bunch of chaff - stuff you can't eat and won't sustain you spiritually. If Christ were to walk the earth today, I have no doubt he would be inside these dens, overturning the money changer's table in a fit of righteous rage. They do not teach that God Is Within You. They teach you must do it their way in order to even have a conversation with God.
" {' o0 c7 ~: R/ _2 W1 }* ]/ K  A/ A. x8 J$ r! I0 I
8 U) t# g% V2 Z7 z9 d/ v( q" u5 o

, u1 \) x7 c* j# J& ^You are the temple of God - the temple not made with hands. And there are methods for communing with this great Force of the Universe, this "God" Force if you will that you don't even know about. Believe it or not, the law of attraction touches on this subject and it's all about what you think, what you emote and what you feel.
" U- L8 {& l0 i
5 V* V' O) b! _1 R( r
0 Q3 D4 z- Q7 J. J2 u1 X* a! V1 B2 `0 p- r4 }
Feel it in your heart center.0 y" w" r' t* E4 J9 Y
& x" C# g# ~0 U1 Z
/ k! r* @* Y7 p; A& U7 y3 d! v1 w9 {

/ {- p5 y( i. h. P. }, i) l( l6 q$ A/ e

" i" k6 X# {  Y$ V1 \. \3 B
- U/ R5 @! Z3 p+ }
; t) h7 r1 a0 XOur living, breathing God (energy, source, universe-whatever name you choose to use here) will not be contained within these borders, my friends.9 r. v/ K( v/ J

5 B1 Z/ b9 |8 v; F  [, [5 ]
8 T2 F3 R& _- J3 h
1 W" ?, X; m" O* }4 P1 l4 q
) M! E: H' K; p + _( `; Y( y7 r8 N$ U0 u

6 }$ B4 n& q) t& o - o% y+ x' L9 ]8 T! m8 U# _

! m: P; ]9 }  J8 V% G( B0 ~2 q; Y; r4 d  f( t3 U$ u
There are no words for this., k7 x9 H+ C: `1 A- L4 U2 \

% g6 W& z/ Y% y' D& R: k' M  K6 G7 ?8 P
9 B1 i: h" X( p1 H. h
Constantine called together a bunch of his advisers (The Council of Nicaea) and they decided to take control of this new religion. They married Christianity and a form of Paganism operating at the time and voila! A New Religion was born. I don't make this stuff up, folks, this is all historical fact.( U' i% H9 u2 ~5 f6 e% _; f( L
9 V4 E) m7 Z% I$ `4 \+ U

1 O; e* N9 y6 z 3 L9 W! v( P  r/ k" u9 z
) U: |2 j% n" {1 i: h8 C* j3 e; s5 A! @
' D) V, B9 u' g7 w4 P
The axiom they used is if you can't beat 'em - join 'em and then get control. But in order to do so, they had to edit the writings of the scholars and leave out all the references and deeper spiritual teachings about "the God Within every man" so that they had control of the gates to heaven or hell. Ultimately the majorities of religion upon the face of the earth today, outwardly, are all about control. Control of you, control of the sinners, control of the infidels, and control of what you think, who you are,chaussure tn, how you behave.
1 O6 g0 ~3 z: D% x; s. A: \/ m; D+ S

# H# x7 W( S3 P4 S0 o! C. D
5 K9 `7 A5 o* M8 Z3 y9 N2 G) {' p3 P: G9 f/ H! N" k8 f
7 e. A* |9 m7 |# G: s" Z" J& _1 u
Constantinople 325 A.D.
+ i7 z* @* b% _& HSacred teachings were removed after the Roman emperor, Constantine, foreseeing the fall of his empire (though if you really think about it - this empire is alive and well and living in Vatican City hiding under more than a few priest's robes), decided the time had come to embrace Christianity.- g3 w1 ^* I( t: J  G/ h7 }! g

7 E4 F5 u3 A; j# U4 N0 K; y
; ^7 y& ]& Y/ g2 U0 l, c
  y9 B& r' T" j- \# s
% ?4 ^, z8 f& f" T' M8 e7 c  D; H* ]4 `0 L: N5 V5 L3 h
Christianity as it exists today resembles nothing of the early teachings. The sacred teachings were all removed. The history of the "Christian" church is such that everything that exists today springs from this early Catholicism,juicy couture sale, regardless of what they try and teach you.
% x, H- r2 O& x& q# C8 i: ?' w; E- O' J  J% d. o
, z- w5 Y7 e2 Z% T: N; F

0 a, l/ q7 c8 S+ M& z+ a% r4 |' |' c, `4 ]5 A% ]

. a( r# i$ A0 QWe are ALL eternal beings, and like actors on a stage, for our "physical" time here, we have agreed to embrace the characters we are playing, to the good or bad, but when all is said and done, each of us will return to the source of our own beings, and no-one can prevent that from happening, no matter what they try and convince you is correct.0 z1 h' n$ Z/ B' O, f3 \
4 A, D5 {# R6 `- ^4 t
: B, J. \: R6 B, k9 O4 W
7 J/ |9 x5 W4 v5 P0 o7 ?% M2 u
Thought they clothe their rituals in forms of Spirit, they left Spirit out of the equation a long, long, long time ago.
8 i; d0 a# ~% n$ p6 a+ O
  H! z1 b. ]9 a# }# Z+ Q3 P4 N0 h* z7 x9 k" u5 P
! w2 _4 p; u$ x( S' |
/ F1 l2 W  ]1 {! K. E
4 @. X( o: A% c/ G3 p2 ]$ C! A

$ ]" z& S# K! @1 V: F. M 1 y4 N6 [# c; M! B

( S% t2 y& e; E. W- d. ?: G# I, _3 n1 U! H9 W9 f- U- f8 w
It's not about behaving any way. It's about being fully and authentically you. You are part of this very God Force who is experiencing Itself through the interpretation of *YOU.* You are a divine child of the universe and anyone that tells you differently is seeking to strip you of your power.
1 ^* @8 f* o% E8 o% {* f8 h8 Z- {& l: M; m
+ L$ |& R& z3 T5 j: _

- h1 L; t8 m2 L0 M: r) B$ fI started out my spiritual path reading The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran and the teachings of the Buddha and sometime after that got diverted into a religion where I muddled about for a few years. During my stay in that organized religion, I learned many things of spirit and the bible and came to understand these things in a new light - but that was only the beginning. What I learned is that religion doesn't teach you is how to speak the lost language of god.
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