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What is Marketing? * {- e: c% s6 e! M; n; q
Marketing is not only restricted to selling and advertising as is perceived but is More than it advertising it identifies and satisfies customers needs. it functions revolve around wide variety and range of tasks and ; c7 D: M- h% S# v: i( p, p
activities mostly termed as functions related to 4ps i.e. Product, price, place and promotion. Marketing is:
" E. e; H. I3 L( Z* a. h, e1 Aa. Creating customer value and satisfaction are at the very heart of modern marketing
; q& J% G. [ D# Q9 ~" Ithinking and practice. 1 {3 y: O1 t$ x4 V8 ^& n4 W
b. A very simple definition of marketing is that it is the delivery of customer satisfaction at a profit. ! n0 u$ x; Y8 N
c. Sound marketing is critical to the success of every organization.: E9 \# M, q H5 W$ V0 s( a6 K1 Z: k
t7 w5 I( g0 a# JMarketing can also be defined as process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, 5 r" }1 j: N5 e. e! ^
promotion,christian audigier wholesale, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual % s8 Y4 r; l" {# z) I- ~5 v
and organizational objectives."
' J& M# Y! |5 c5 ]4 | 3 P# ~" }4 b; ^+ Y+ S
Marketing System:' O8 V9 [* m; ~& _
+ N+ W; ]8 K/ |+ AThe concept of Marketing System brings one full circle to the concept of
. K e( G y) L1 A) rmarketing. 6 L# P5 w# }+ t) p! Z
Simple marketing system comprises of different actors and factors like 3 [( a4 T' H* B1 O
producer/seller, product/service something valuable to exchange in return of product/service (money),ed hardy clothing,
/ S+ I1 B: _- `8 u* f; Tconsumer/customer, communication process to have two way communication like to provide
8 N+ _6 {8 [$ j: @$ [/ Finformation about product or service
( N3 A5 r# S- r! r- ?/ d( hto customer or consumer and to have ! g, s& a# ~7 ^4 k& `! J9 L
feedback in same regard from the customer. Fig presents an example of a very simple marketing . [; \% S6 E0 j& c$ {7 _$ p! O
system. Marketing system has following basic activities: % e) l# c! W% x' y
1) Sellers must search for buyers, identify their needs, design good products and services, set
- p( n6 M. ?- u* v/ {prices for them, promote them, and store and deliver them.
3 D4 ?; _( t4 [" `2) A modern marketing system includes all of the elements necessary to bring buyers and - J2 z/ u: J3 D8 r
sellers together. This might include such activities as product development, research,christian louboutin shoes,
; y9 s9 Z6 R0 X/ t! A- i- _' ncommunication, distribution,juicy couture tracksuits, pricing, and service.. + a3 c, T- j; _- t
3) Each of the major actors in a marketing system adds value for the next level of the system.
9 G+ U m' |; Z$ EThere is often critical interdependency among network members.
& M/ Z) k& K/ UTo learn more about marketing fist we should learn about some basics that are some time termed
7 ?1 j' T# L" i) ?as 4ps(Product, price, place, promotion) and some times even 6 or 7ps (Product, price, place \# u# d/ Q7 }" Z
promotion, position,abercrombie fitch jackets, personal relations, people and profit) lets have some definitions in this regard:( O5 h! N+ r1 l
1 F2 h$ a! T0 X+ ]; _& R2 B
? Product-what are you selling? (It might be
9 i( l8 {! a9 z7 q4 L9 @6 f( Ia product or a service.)1 F; q: V% n, ^
+ S! [/ {# @* }4 k
MORE VISIT:3 Y8 ~( M7 n* @7 S7 t7 H8 [
* h# w U, p7 _: E& k4 Hhttp://articles4u.yolasite.com/marketing-system.php |