鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
David is sent away to school 30 O+ {1 G; G/ A2 g/ N! @9 Y/ g
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David is sent away to school 3
( Y. ~1 m% q2 K/ h: e( s2 n‘So, this is the boy who bites, is it?’ he asked unpleasantly.‘I know your stepfather,hydraulic power units boy. He's a man of strong character,he is. He knows me,and I know him. Do you know me? Answer me,boy!’He pulled violently at my ear.' M5 b: U" P: \5 I5 t, l4 I: O
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: s% D* i- ?- [
0 W/ E) K o3 a- I‘Not yet, sir,’ I answered, tears of pain in my eyes. ‘Ah,but you soon will!Oh yes, I have a strong character too,you'll see!’ He banged his hand hard on the table. I was very frightened,but I made myself ask the question I had been considering for a whole month.‘ Please, sir, I'm very sorry for what I did to Mr Murdstone. Could—could I take this sign off,#x before the other boys see it…’ Mr Creakle gave a sudden,terrible shout and jumped out of his chair. I did not wait to see whether he was going to hit me, but ran out of his room and hid in my bed for the next hour. However, the boys were not as cruel to me as I had feared. I made a friend almost immediately, a boy called Tommy Traddles, who was known to be the unluckiest boy in the school. I was also noticed, and even smiled on, by the great James Steerforth,one of the oldest boys, at least six years older than me. He was a handsome,intelligent, curly-haired young man, who had become an important figure at the school,with great influence over the younger boys.9 c- N5 }$ S4 W& Q t8 G
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‘How much money have you got,Copperfield?’ he asked me.: ~; r4 b# N; N0 I+ d, T6 x
" S" q: W, I% F9 b7 ~: x7 z8 [4 t
0 e, d7 M6 P7 I/ q L2 b
‘Eight shillings,Steerforth,’I answered,remembering the present my mother and Peggotty had given me.6 R. Y/ N& H! u, ?8 p3 m; z
3 q% \3 G/ q9 Y/ a6 U
, f8 P' a1 \/ W" A: D g5 q& a" M4 |6 F( _! _3 m
‘You'd better give it to me. I'll take care of it for you,’ he offered in a friendly way.2 V1 `+ W: |' `( d' j
6 L; _ F' l6 J+ U# M/ S, p. k6 d; G
2 Z$ `# ]/ f. v% V2 G k( {) C9 I0 \
I opened Peggotty's purse and turned it upside-down into his hand.4 w$ C) \" @! w* F8 L4 H
- B4 z: q& e8 `6 X" o, W, c* _% o0 R7 R* h
! l! k! D( a! K/ G1 U
‘Perhaps you'd like to spend some of it now?’he suggested,smiling.hydraulic power unitsA bottle of wine, a tin of biscuits, a few cakes, that sort of thing?I can go out whenever I like, so I can buy it for you.’ ‘Ye-es,that’ s very kind of you, ’I said, although I was a little worried that all my money would disappear. When we went upstairs to bed, I realized that all my money had been spent, as eight shillings’ worth of food and drink was laid out on my bed in the moonlight. Of course I did not want to eat and drink it all by myself, so I invited Steerforth and the others to help themselves. The boys were very willing, and we spent a pleasant evening, sitting on our beds,whispering to each other. I discovered that the boys all hated Salem House, which they considered one of the worst schools in the country. They especially hated Mr Creakle, who was in the habit of beating them regularly with a heavy stick which he carried with him at all times. The only boy he dared not beat was Steerforth. I admired Steerforth even more when I heard this. When we were all too tired to stay awake, Steerforth got up to go.‘Goodnight,young Copperfield, ’ he said, putting a hand on my head.‘I'll take care of you.’
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0 u$ o8 q( P4 k4 F: d, t1 i‘It’ s very kind of you,’ I replied gratefully.
3 L& o( ~, e" h& p7 R5 k3 x1 U
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# Z7 R# g8 g+ m, H+ \& L
. d: |& ^. Z! p/ I3 X‘You haven’ t got a sister, have you?’he asked sleepily. ‘No, I haven't, ’I answered. ‘What a pity! If you had one, I'm sure she'd be a pretty, bright-eyed little girl. I would have liked to meet her.’ I thought of him a lot that night,with his laughing, hand-some face, and his careless, confident manner. I could never have imagined what a dark shadow he would throw over the lives of people who were dear to me. I stayed at Salem House for three more months. Although one or two of the teachers,like Mr Mell, were kind to us boys,and tried to teach us properly, we were too afraid of Mr Creakle and his stick to concentrate on our studies. But Tom-my Traddles and I cheered each other up if we were beaten,and I was lucky enough to be friendly with the great Steerforth,in spite of the difference in our ages. However, my home,beads, even with the Murdstones there, seemed a much pleasanter place than school, and I was glad when the Christmas holidays arrived, and I was allowed to return to Blunderstone. hydraulic power unitsI was a little surprised to find that my mother had a new baby, and I could see at once that she was not well. She looked tired and worried,and very thin. But she and Peggotty were delighted to see me, although they dared not show it if the Murdstones were present. My stepfather and his sister seemed to hate me even more than before, if that were possible, and they made my life quite miserable whenever they could. In fact, I was almost pleased when it was time to return to school, and see Traddles and Steerforth again. As the cart drove away, I remember my mother standing outside our house,with her baby in her arms, smiling sadly at me. #xThat was the last time I saw her,and that is how I shall always remember her.
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' @5 f5 S/ y0 S( a& \& `# ?# w
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