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Big Guide to Tanking - buy wow gold

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发表于 2010-1-18 20:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Tanks are generally viewed as the character in charge of a run through anything. This may or may not be the case for any specific group, but if a random group is assembled most players look to the tank to lead. This is because the tank is the player that generally controls the pace of the group, controls pulls, manages the enemies, establishes kill order, and much more.4 F% n  `+ F" F2 i' w- x5 r/ B

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Before you actually go out and tank, make sure you are set and ready to assume the role. This may sound overly simplistic; however some players who have never tanked do not understand how important some things truly are. As a last resort any tanking class can shift into their tanking stance / form / presence / aura and tank cheap wow gold&nbsp,buy wow gold;an enemy really quick, however that is not good enough for all but the shortest time frames (a pull gone wrong in an instance). If you are going to tank for a group you really MUST ensure you are geared as a tank and have your talents spent in tanking talents.
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Starting with talents, what talent tree you need to spec into varies with the class. For Warriors and Paladins it means that you are deep into the Protection tree and for Druids you need to spend most of their points in the Feral tree. These classes do not have a choice. You can not tank effectively if you are mainly specced into any other talent tree.  Sure, you will have some points in the other talent trees, but most will be in your classes tanking tree.
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1 x; D) v/ E7 JDeath Knights are a little different than the other tanking classes. They have the most choices available to them and can effectively tank while specced into any of their three talent trees.  The main tanking tree, however, is still the Frost tree and there are several abilities you will want to have there no matter the main talent tree you use.  However, you can tank as Blood, Unholy, or Frost (as long as you are actively using Frost Presence) in almost any instance or raid.
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Since this is an overall How to Tank guide, I will not go into specific builds here.  There are builds in our Class Guides, our forums, the official forums, and the various tanking sites around the internet.
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+ [" C' @% d! `% E' y6 a2 w$ O0 CTanking Stats, Enchants, and Gems5 w8 Z3 b  Y& w6 g
0 E& Q5 G% ^8 a4 L' _9 I* e- ~
Once you have figured out your build, it is time to worry about the stats you need for tanking, which directly corresponds to the gear you need. There are various character stats that are required that you need to worry about as a tank; they include Stamina, Strength, Defense, Dodge, Parry, Block, Hit, and Expertise.  The amount you wow gold require of each and the priority it should receive is entirely dependant on your class.  For example as a Death Knight you don’t use a shield, therefore Block is meaningless.% ]# ]6 ?+ A5 k+ }6 U4 f& @$ n
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  X1 C. q: j& |/ ONow that everyone knows about the defense cap, if you are a Druid, ignore it. As long as you put three points into Survival of the Fittest, you can not be critically hit unless the enemy is over 5 levels higher than you are.
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Once you are defense capped you can move onto worrying about the other stats. I will repeat that for emphasis: ONCE you are defense capped you can worry about other stats. Meaning until you reach that magic number for your level you will NOT worry about any other stat. Being defense capped is your one and only priority, only after you are capped should you even think about other things. To get to the cap initially you are very likely going to have to enchant and gem for it forsaking stamina and mitigation. Don’t worry though, as this is normal until you have been in the end game for a while.
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Once you are worrying about other stats make sure you balance them. DO NOT just stack Stamina. This is a trend I have seen in far too many new tanks to ignore. They want to see big health numbers and miss out on everything else. Balancing your Health, Mitigation (Armour,buy wow gold, Block), and Avoidance (Dodge, Parry) is what creates the best tanks./ l; ]# S. j0 Z
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Ask any healer which they would rather heal: a 50,000 health tank with no avoidance, or a 30,000 health tank with 20% in each of dodge and parry. The answer will be the lower health tank every time. That is because of something tiffany jewelry called effective health which is long and complicated to explain in any great detail, but can be summed up quickly as follows:9 K& z0 |4 F5 @. \
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" q3 H0 v' n1 s8 b. N$ jGiven a series of 100 10,000 health hits the first tank needs to be healed for 1,000,000 health. The second tank will dodge 20 of the attacks and parry another 20, meaning they will only need 600,000 health to be healed.
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