I went to HR lunch time and the black girl is not there. The result is: No more 100ml ANR and they might get it next Christmas. But they have 100 ml idealist. Also, they gave out all of the samples. - This is another BA told me.
友情提醒MM,机场免税商店不一定还有圣诞限量ANR100毫升,你要一颗红心,两种准备~~{:3_92:}4 j4 D4 i8 N9 B7 z9 D! @/ w
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还有,如果网购直接寄到加拿大境内,他们还要charge你10米刀左右的过境费,而且不赠送任何小礼物!" D; _( u4 y E. C
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