鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
The stockades is a great place to farm wool, the fact that its in a major city makes it even better, provided you are alliance. Options for the horde are somewhat less lucrative - I would recommend visiting Shadowfang Keep as it's close to a vendor and is also very close to the next zone we'll be visiting . You should average at least 2 stacks of wool per stocks run, meaning 7 full clears should do the trick. You may prefer to clear only the center and left sections if you are aoe'ing as the mobs on the right side have a knockdown that can slow your runs down. Sell at the enchanting shop just outside the instance entrance as needed, and mail those stacks of cloth at the mailbox by the bank. Head up to tirisfal and hit the scarlet monastery. I personally have had the best luck with the library and armory although theres not a whole lot of difference between them. At level 60 i definitely would have recommend avoiding the cathedral as the healing mobs in there can slow you down, but any of the instances should be relatively quick. The horde has the advantage here of being close to the Undercity. Chillwind point is a decent place to sell and mail for the alliance should you need it, but I would recommend having as much open space as possible and getting your 14 stacks in one fell swoop. Three birds with one stone! Head east to the instance of your choosing. Strat is probably better especially for the horde since it is close to lights hope and requires no key to get in, although both will work equally well - pick whichever one you enjoy running more. It shouldn't take more than a couple runs to get yourself a few stacks of cloth and 30 of each of the argent drops. Cheap wow gold buy wow power leveling aion zzzdm1207 Four days has passed and wow power leveling I missed every morning exercise. I decided to give up and let myself enjoy the morning sleep. Because Linxian’s wow gold and Weiwei’s lessons are in the 4th and 5th class in the morning, I moved the alarm clock at 9 o’clock. However, I woke up at seven past several minutes.wow power leveling I asked Weiwei and Mr Xie to listen to my lesson in the afternoon.aion gold It seemed that it was a successful lesson. Weiwei told me that my chalk writing was very beautiful and my teaching manner was natural.wow power leveling There was only a weak point during the show of stress sentence structure. M r Xie first said to me aion power leveling “quite good!” Then I asked him about my chalk writing, he said, “very beautiful. I must learn from you not you learn from me.wow power leveling Then I asked him about my teaching manner, he said, “May be a little nervous.” Then he pointed out some week points to me. I was very happy. tip: leave as soon as you have 30 of each of the argent drops. Don't worry if you're still short on runecloth at this point, you will definitely have enough by the time you finish running... Both instances are a bit out of the way, but both will allow you to collect the scraps very quickly as well as finish off your runecloth. You may prefer to hunt dwarves in the searing gorge or orcs in the burning steppes. There's the neutral thorium brotherhood vendor in the searing gorge and the faction specific vendors in the steppes, but again if you can clear some bag space and get it done without having to sell you will save yourself a lot of time. Once youre done travel to Kalimdor and head down to Tanaris. There's a lot of options when it comes to mageweave farming locations. I chose the dunemaul ogres in south western tanaris for a few reasons - it's close to the the next zone we're hitting, the ogres and bunched into nice aoe-able groups and they don't flee when close to dieing, meaning you can cut through them pretty fast. The area should be nice and quiet, so kill em all as fast as you can, selling and mailing at Gadgetzan as needed. Once you have your 14 stacks fly to... When naxx was first released I spent quite a bit of time farming the blood petals in ungoro since they dropped both core of elements and savage fronds. Unfortunately this is no longer the case, but you can still pick up core of elements from the fire elementals on the volcano. The best place to farm blood petals is north east of the volcano. Start just north of the volcano. Head north east, moving in a zig-zag pattern to cover as much ground as possible. Head south along the zone's edge then west along the river in the same pattern. Once you've cleared the area loop back to the volcano and clear it of fire elementals. Rinse and repeat until you have 30 savage fronds and core of elements.
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