问题是怎么跟自己比啊?/ @; X5 r0 O. E
你也不能用一个产品再时光倒转不用一番来比较。& ]$ |! o4 a2 a
也不能一边脸用一边脸不用啊。 就算一个人,他的左右脸也不同。 我左边就比右边差,左边眼睛出现细纹,右边就没有。 要是刚好拿右边做实验 ...- h6 {& Z. R; R c
竹帘儿 发表于 2009-12-1 15:46
Recommend! 0 w5 t$ q: j# K' g- _) O* W3 H
I have been using this day and night for about five years too. It is really good to me. The effect I can see is keeping my skin smooth and protected. I have tried the newer version for a while (night only). It turned out not woking to me. I can see the dark spots were much darker. After I switch to use this all day, those dark spots truned much lighter.