We have both adult and child benefit health card, with which we can see dentist, call for ambulance, buy medition in drug store, and equip glasses. We'd like to have a pair of glasses. Who can tell us where and how to have a glasses in Edmonton? What's the maximum of governmental fund for the glasses? Please tell us, thank you for your help!
我刚刚配完眼镜,用的就是这个card。1 @) `/ [* U. i
就拿着你的ID,和这个card直接去眼镜店就行了。1 o( a0 k4 d) Q, q" f* x
我去的是downtown的丽晶,not too bad...overall . ]' w" I! e" z% e! j! Z5 v9 L: y还有cover $145.goverment & p# m( \, `& g6 R: m, O7 uteenagers can have once a year 4 z, V7 t& o7 W1 z: d' ^/ Cadults once every two years....yeah..not sure..: q% Z ]7 k% \3 t% t! _+ j5 P0 L
teeth stuff i donot know i have no matter with that currently...