鲜花( 53) 鸡蛋( 0)
Scary? Surely it is, but this is canadian reality; the longer you are here in Canada, the more you will find out; you have to get used to it; as poster wzqhzsc said, not even the city inspections will guarantee you are safe, they often overlooked something and always have excuses; this is bureaucracy. The video shows the worst cases, some here in Edmonton are not as bad but still bad, nearly all builders are the same including some famous names and that is why my previous post suggested one should hire a 3rd party supervision to monitor house construction if one is not knowledgeable of or familiar with Building construction. The builders are well protected but not the consumers. One more thing people may need to keep in mind: if the builder goes bankrupt , all sub-contractors/trades/suppliers have the right to go after the homeowner within a period of time even he/she had made full payment to the builder already and had taken possession of the house. And almost every such case ended up making more payments by homeowner to those people. Keep your head up. |