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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-3 09:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
# I$ l  F( n! C+ q, G; J
! w- S% m+ P* j/ [: Q4 |8 k4 w9 N7 q
5 e) h" i4 `  |对于高压线是否影响健康,国内专家的意见并不统一。2004年9月北京曾举办过名为“电磁环境与健康”研讨会上,国内专家们认为高压输电线路附近没有电磁辐射,所具有的磁场水平也只有电热毯的五分之一,对人体没有确切危害。参加研讨会的专家都是研究电力、磁场的学者,分别来自清华大学、中国科学院电工所、信息产业部真空电子所、华东电力实验研究院、中国电力学会等。
1 M% A; G9 K$ O  `( T
2 D" f4 y, T- F1 r& J; S专家们举出检测数据,输电线5米至10米以外的磁场水平不超过10微特斯拉,低于国内参照标准100微特斯拉。这只有一个开着的电吹风机产生磁场的七分之一;电热毯的五分之一。WHO还在1995年启动了“EMF”(电磁辐射)十年国际研究计划,对高压线等低频电磁进行研究,但至今没有发现它有确切的危害。电磁专家表示,该结果并不意味着高压电线磁场有某种不可知的巨大危害,而是意味着“没有危害”。
4 X) z/ U; O7 _# |- t/ s% e
; w( u" k+ T1 r& p电力专家说,高压电线入地的成本要比架空高出七八倍。意大利3年前曾发布法令,要把所有输电线路都埋入地下,最后证明是“用一大笔钱研究了一个不存在的问题”,在国际上引起轩然大波后终止。
9 g* ^  e+ i; @( Z, e( [
5 M- w& d$ b& T  Q" ~( U* V0 S: J- O
( b# r8 q7 p; ?+ r+ _3 P" z& z( s( c记者找到曾经参会的清华大学高压研究所副教授何金良,他说,那次会议得出的无害的结论是从电专业角度出发的。英国国家辐射保护委员会的报告他早就看过,他觉得该委员会是运用流行病学调查得出的结论。在他提供的文件中指出,因为缺少或没有实验室证据的支持,或是没有电磁辐射暴露关联到白血病的科学解释,对流行病学发现的解释很困难。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-3 09:44 | 显示全部楼层
$ Q* I2 x% r$ O- M% T6 {
, U5 E7 H8 H7 l. g6 p& V
/ z" {' L1 F1 F* [, H一般来说,在技术标准的适用上,如果国内有标准,就采用国内的标准,如果没有,就借用国际上有一定权威性的标准。目前由于没有以法律形式固定下来的“国标”,国家环保总局制定的《500KV超高压送变电工程电磁辐射环境影响评价技术规范》(HJ/T24-1998)这一行业推荐标准被电力专家作为解决电磁辐射污染的适用标准。《规范》中规定,磁感应强度低于100微特斯拉。 + ^+ V( ?6 N! r
2 x9 T5 y8 C. J5 |' C
相对于电力专家,公共卫生专家的观点则倾向于电磁辐射有害健康。中国疾病预防控制中心环境所研究员曹兆进接受媒体采访说,目前国际上关于电磁辐射对人体健康影响有两种不同观点,一种观点认为长期低剂量的暴露对健康是有危害的;另一观点认为,只有达到足够高的强度才能造成影响。他认为,电磁辐射长期低剂量暴露容易造成健康危害。 / W, w6 I9 F# l" o" r

6 g% G( w( J6 @8 o6 @& O据了解,被问到在小区或居民区附近建变电站或架高压线对他们有没有影响、影响有多大时,他说,他们对邻近居民区的高压线、变电站做过检测,无论是电场强度、磁场强度都没有超标,而且比标准限值低很多。但曹先生强调说,即使不超标也不能说它就没有健康危害。有人将标准称为安全标准,说符合标准限值就是安全的,但他不这么理解。在他看来,标准是在科学与管理之间制定出来、为管理服务的一种量化值,是用来规范管理的一种技术法规,绝对的安全并不存在。随着经济的发展,新的科研成果的出现,人们对健康要求的提高,标准的限值也会做出相应的调整
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-3 09:45 | 显示全部楼层
英国国家辐射保护委员会的官方网站上看到一份写于2001年的报告。报告指出,全英国每年有70万人出生,其中在15岁以下人群中每年发现500例白血病患儿和1000例癌症患儿。而每年500名白血病患儿中至少有两位直接与高压电线等引起的电磁辐射有关。这样居住在有电磁辐射下的儿童其白血病发病率为700分之一,比居住在无电磁辐射的儿童发病率(1400分之一)高出一倍。该委员会把危险值设定在0.4微特斯拉(μT),电磁辐射强度高于该值,儿童将面临患病风险。 & W$ a+ [& _* I6 I4 z

- A1 a/ X1 O# ~+ z! L* `6 R对于大多数人来说特斯拉是一个非常难懂的物理单位,人们往往会对离高压线的远近作为衡量是否受到辐射的标尺。该委员会认为,达到或超过132千伏的高压线在数十米范围内的电磁辐射强度超过0.4微特斯拉;11-66千伏的高压线在十数米范围内的电磁辐射强度超过0.4微特斯拉;而埋藏在地下的高压线只在数米范围内的电磁辐射强度超过0.4微特斯拉。该委员会还指出,对于成年人高压线电磁辐射对健康影响较小。
0 e  b' X2 y6 |3 z
; K# L/ f% ?8 r% t( x/ J除了英国国家辐射保护委员会,瑞典国家工业与技术发展委员会也有类似观点。他们选择220-400千伏的高压电网下的沿线一带进行调查,发现在1960年至1985年间确有50万人居住在距电线300米以内地段,共有142名儿童患上病症,39人得白血病。通过计算,15岁以下儿童如果暴露在平均磁感应强度大于0.2微特斯拉的环境中,则患白血病为一般儿童的2.7倍以上,若磁感应度大于0.3微特斯拉为3.8倍。此外美国加州健康科学评价机构的结论是:“电磁场能够在一定程度上导致罹患儿童白血病、成人恶性脑瘤、肌萎缩侧索硬化症、流产等的危险性的增加,可能引起自杀和成人白血病。”
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-3 09:48 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
+ o$ B9 \. t. B
+ d/ C8 P2 w; @( R* V: }
7 p& P, u2 |8 T9 c! L: Y8 q$ r4 n) r2 @
Health Risks Associated with Living Near High-Voltage Power Lines
+ O) R" L2 w, p* `: bGary Zeman, Sc.D., CHP
1 q+ r) n  j! l! ^$ P
$ h: ]7 c) {. v# s$ ?; nPotential health concerns about power lines were first raised in a 1979 study which associated increased risk of childhood leukemia with residential proximity to power lines. Since that initial study, numerous other investigations have attempted but failed to clarify whether observed associations between electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and various health effects were causal or coincidental. Some scientists have argued the physical impossibility of any health effect due to weak ambient levels of EMFs, while others maintain that the potential health risks should not be dismissed even though the evidence remains equivocal and contradictory.- b8 G4 _' i" T' h' o) {

6 M) z9 _) N* l0 d5 j1 x; _: \To address public concerns about power line EMFs, a national program in electric and magnetic field research was authorized by Congress in the Energy Policy Act of 1992. This program was called EMF-RAPID (Electric and Magnetic Fields Research and Public Information Dissemination).- ]! E+ k8 {; ?8 ]4 Y: u

$ z# y1 B( `) u! r  T2 N, zIn 1995, the American Physical Society (APS) spoke out on the question of power line EMFs and health effects. The APS policy statement reads, in part: "The scientific literature and the reports of reviews by other panels show no consistent, significant link between cancer and power line fields. While it is impossible to prove that no deleterious health effects occur from exposure to any environmental factor, it is necessary to demonstrate a consistent, significant, and causal relationship before one can conclude that such effects do occur. From this standpoint, the conjectures relating cancer to power line fields have not been scientifically substantiated." (See APS Policy Statement 95.2.)
2 h* K; E. r/ n% V% F$ [
& Q5 R" G4 W) C. a, cIn 1999 the National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council (NRC) published a review of the evidence from the EMF-RAPID program and concluded: "An earlier Research Council assessment of the available body of information on biological effects of power frequency magnetic fields (NRC 1997) led to the conclusion ‘that the current body of evidence does not show that exposure to these fields presents a human health hazard. . . .' The new, largely unpublished contributions of the EMF RAPID program are consistent with that conclusion. . . . In view of the negative outcomes of EMF RAPID replication studies, it now appears even less likely that MF's [magnetic fields] in the normal domestic or occupational environment produce important health effects, including cancer." (The NRC reports are accessible by searching for EMF at the NAS Web site.)
. {2 K" g8 R" j$ p* N% l, G7 {& I* ^; Y7 o7 a1 S
While the NRC review is fairly decisive in giving power line EMFs a clean bill of health, a 1999 report by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) concluded as follows: "The scientific evidence suggesting that ELF-EMF exposures pose any health risk is weak" but goes on to state "The NIEHS concludes that ELF-EMF exposures cannot be recognized as entirely safebecause of weak scientific evidence that exposure may pose a leukemia hazard." (The NIEHS report is available on its Web site.)# H* m8 d% O% ?% s6 L

3 M6 w; O4 S2 ^; UMost recently, a leading EMF investigator has been charged with faking experimental results in two published papers on low-intensity EMF health effects (see e.g., Scientific American: Science and the Citizen: Fat in the Fire: October 1999). This charge may further weaken the case of those who urge caution regarding potential health risks of EMFs.
8 ?$ u" h* e1 a- T
& F( S, ]+ }  w+ NIn conclusion, there are no known health risks that have been conclusively demonstrated in relation to living near high-voltage power lines. But science is unable to conclusively prove that anything, including low-level EMFs, is completely risk-free. Most scientists believe that exposure to the low-level EMFs near power lines is safe, but some scientists continue research to look for possible health risks associated with these fields. If there are any risks such as cancer associated with living near power lines, then it is clear that those risks are small.
5 s& A% {+ ^) I4 S
9 X1 V! u- v  x# D5 R4 a这篇文章就看结论吧 :-)  
  @$ `* M  g4 B; A7 q9 \总结而言, 居住临近高压线并没有确定性的健康威胁. 但是科学并不能严格证明任何东西,包括低频电磁辐射, 是完全安全的. 大部分的科学家认为暴露于低频电磁辐射环境是安全的, 但也有一些科学家正寻找相关健康威胁的证据. 如果高压线确实能够导致健康威胁的话, 这种风险很显然是非常微小的.
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-3 10:36 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-3 11:19 | 显示全部楼层
9 f# k" |' o) r3 m# x2 b& a* Q2 c. @9 Z) ]
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