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楼主: Tomatott

Fort McMurry 的治安

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-3 20:08 | 显示全部楼层
for money 有钱人不要太多了  `4 q+ P6 U% g/ W
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-3 20:52 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 秋染红叶 于 2008-12-3 19:32 发表
9 u/ I: b5 Q8 y. J1 m( j; B
! j1 o  B5 w6 B, u3 ?  ~+ w( [, h0 a# r0 u7 a1 `2 H
怎么会是少数人?如果不是因为钱,谁会到这个地方工作?扫地的都挣差不多一小时30刀,还真没见过不挣钱在这里混的。你知道电工工资吧?每小时35刀以上,每天补助195不上税,一个星期工作50小时。你说他们年收入多 ...
看来你需要调查,非工会打扫卫生的$17/小时.工会的打扫卫生$22/小时.工会电工工资$37.xx/小时,LOA不是每个人都有,contractor只有forman,GF等头有,在我们的项目里只有IES 公司的申请到.如果CAMP空出来,一般先安排进住CAMP,取消LOA.正式的员工如果没有加班,每年的税前$10万左右,去掉40%的税,保险,再除以12(个月),每月自己拿回家多少,自己算一下.也许我的职位比你低,经理级的当然比我高很多.如果你已经付清的房子,当然生活不错,也是以天气寒冷,气候恶劣,环境差换来的.如果没有房子,全家去租住的话,你能剩多少钱?
+ m. M) c, u+ {" g9 T  Y2 o; R7 N8 \: |3 |8 D. m! a% s
[ 本帖最后由 hanxishang 于 2008-12-3 20:56 编辑 ]
鲜花(25) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-3 21:26 | 显示全部楼层
我税后就不到5000,也没有LOA,还得付差不多1000的房租。。。不过这也比在安省时后挣的多,的确和工会工作的弟兄们比非工会的待遇的确很差。1 O0 l7 x/ r% c& }5 ~

' U2 @* l  o0 i6 n3 p2 {* Q要说治安的话,我反正没见到太多恐怖的场面,不过本地人倒是对这里毒品醉酒之类的事情经常提起。。。至于highway 63的安全问题,比较复杂不好说。" {  Y2 v6 u9 O  y0 E

3 Q* p5 V) u# Y4 |7 \: y' ^[ 本帖最后由 lunik 于 2008-12-3 21:28 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-3 21:34 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
谢谢各位的答复, 好心有好报...
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-3 21:41 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Tomatott 于 2008-12-3 21:34 发表
6 q6 ]# i/ `3 E3 k( r谢谢各位的答复, 好心有好报...
: D+ b! U& L" y3 I# f+ O$ k
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-3 21:49 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 lunik 于 2008-12-3 21:26 发表
3 f* r8 W1 n6 \我税后就不到5000,也没有LOA,还得付差不多1000的房租。。。不过这也比在安省时后挣的多,的确和工会工作的弟兄们比非工会的待遇的确很差。
! A$ K' V  j1 i8 r- p3 ^8 e0 U; h- q' L' T
要说治安的话,我反正没见到太多恐怖的场面,不过本地人倒是对这里毒品 ...
支持,这才是Fort Mcmurray正常人的收入.我是厂里的正式职工,搞高压维护,工作倒是舒服,一年到头确实存不下什么钱,除非你吃的节减,和别人同住客厅,没有车,不抽烟,不喝酒.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-4 10:24 | 显示全部楼层

Canada’s Most Dangerous Cities

A study done by Maclean’s Magazine. Interesting. I, personally, feel pretty safe. But I have noticed lately that there seems to be a shooting every two days that results in a death or two. Supposedly Vancouver Police started up some new Gang Force Division. Hello! I don’t think it’s working out quite well!!!! Gawd, there’s more deaths from shootings since that Gang Force was set up. Go figure…
4 m8 n9 N' z* Y1 @% T7 ]/ j+ R; G
, T/ d1 z2 j" T' v8 F! Q) }( JHere’s the study:
% d# {7 D; ^: n- Q, y$ {" c" [. Q3 J) L5 Z: }+ r, T: i! {- K7 p
The saying may be “Move west, young man,” but a new report on Canada’s most dangerous cities says if you want to live in a safe city — you might want to consider moving east.2 ^' U; C" L* [4 {6 v* t5 A
Of the top-10 most dangerous cities in the country, the first nine are all west of Ontario. Halifax, which took the final spot in the top-10, was the only eastern entry.3 J# ?( P- i: i; P. J
The Maclean’s magazine report, based on crime reports from 2006 and calculated per capita, deems Regina — home of the RCMP training facility– the most dangerous city in Canada.) V9 P% Y, w, x% Q( J

* o; Y) d7 B" DThe rankings of cities on the most dangerous list:
  d3 _9 M. {) c1 `6 h: A6 p9 U1. Regina5 ~6 t, n1 y, Y$ F' j- j: g
2. Saskatoon
: K/ d+ A3 W% J( H% }9 T3. Winnipeg
; B( c, t3 s; ?% H4. Prince George, B.C.! o! a8 j) u1 ^0 a1 T9 K
5. Edmonton
( @% d8 s# I% ~* J7 B+ J, e6. New Westminster, B.C.
. ~1 F. B7 Z- K9 Y( E# c) k2 q5 T7. Chilliwack, B.C.
. u( Q( ]6 x4 s. a8. Victoria% D# }  ~" S6 `8 U8 _6 Z
9. Vancouver
9 p" a4 S$ M( S  A& O10. Halifax$ {- G7 H; O6 [2 K8 y. Z8 D
' m7 C; G% B! }( `3 K
Despite the often-grisly headlines, both Montreal and Toronto fell well outside the top-ten at 19, and 26, respectively.
! B3 I5 O6 R8 _9 N
/ l  [" a% @( A2 KKen MacQueen, Maclean’s B.C. bureau chief, spoke with CTV’s Canada AM Thursday.
% M8 ?" v. H" M/ E2 k+ I# c7 U8 j7 J1 ]/ o: a& L4 l3 B
“The biggest surprise was that so many were in the West,” MacQueen said of the report.
$ h" P( J6 L4 T! O3 M2 [
" B% v, O1 Y" H) G' b& t5 BMacQueen said he spoke to a number of criminologists who gave him a number of reasons for the West’s crime problems.
% I! X7 A' c8 n& e5 ?+ v* Y% Y( d5 ?5 J6 D# Y
He said that while the ‘Wild West” syndrome was mentioned, the main reason given was the West’s “pockets of dysfunction.” He referred to the high number of drug users in Vancouver and Victoria as a reason for crime in those cities and a large “at-risk” community of urban aboriginals in Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Regina.+ W% e9 E& P/ X2 N
8 f. v& [( f$ N+ L3 r
The report also broke down the most dangerous cities for specific crime:4 P5 s) x! q: r' b  I% B6 B
• Murder - Arthabaska, Que.3 t4 o2 R# O3 N  X( B
• Auto theft - Winnipeg
- @7 [2 p% u4 F• Aggravated assault - Regina
& R0 r3 z  `% _0 H. H. n• Sexual assault - Saskatoon
; _3 r2 r' a6 \7 l( v• Robbery - Saskatoon
! u( U$ T! O, W. e, i& A• Break and enter -Chilliwack, B.C.7 ?& E2 ^& C  k# U

0 P% u6 e$ K" Z  h# pThe report also listed the safest places in Canada, which were mostly smaller communities in Central Canada.3 H, r! ?- O0 u7 B( O) _/ T

" d) I1 N7 i# V) RThe top five safest places in Canada:
+ i$ J4 R; n0 M0 a- }1. Caledon, Ont
! @7 m) [8 u; f$ @" W+ l3 T3 P+ s2. Maskoutains, Que.
, l+ o8 h# p" _/ r4 J% c7 B  Y% Y3. Nottawasaga, Ont
5 y- m  G- D4 Y$ Q0 L4. Halton Region, Ont( f; e  S- c. ^; c
5. York Region, Ont
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-4 10:29 | 显示全部楼层

Updated: Canada's 10 most dangerous cities include 5 in B.C., says Maclean's

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-4 12:02 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 wolfgan 于 2008-12-3 18:57 发表
3 R. z6 Y5 V, J. Q9 k; F这里一个SUPER的工资已经快200K了/月。楼上是干什么的,为什么把这里贬的那么恐怖,我在这里的时候也赶上一回枪击事件,只是那个人有枪而已,警察就追捕他。治安还好啊!!

% c& l" a  ?( ~# R" d5 S- a一个SUPER的工资已经快200K了/月,天哪,抢银行啊!!!!!!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-7 11:23 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 hanxishang 于 2008-12-3 21:49 发表 / x7 J: z4 q5 _6 h2 W5 z' ^0 ]
支持,这才是Fort Mcmurray正常人的收入.我是厂里的正式职工,搞高压维护,工作倒是舒服,一年到头确实存不下什么钱,除非你吃的节减,和别人同住客厅,没有车,不抽烟,不喝酒.

  [, m/ F: Q0 w8 l; h" Z大公司(如suncor,syncrude)的正式员工的工资都比较低,contractor挣的比较多。因为正式员工大部分没有LOA和各种各样的补助,但有job security,一般不会被轻易lay off。正式员工里面operator类型的比ATP(Administrative,Engineer,Professional)的挣的多,因为ATP overtime比较少,甚至没有。不管合不合理,这就是fortmac的事实情况...
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-7 18:08 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 秋染红叶 于 2008-12-3 17:05 发表 - _# h; R# M/ Q$ o6 y5 w" v) g
0 X. |/ ?* X9 ^+ d3 _, A* k7 h7 ?7 g
' L( b% Q) x% T+ J
If I said I got $10000 after tax per month, do you trust me? And that is the lowest one in our office.

7 E3 f) s$ ]3 \. p% |The CEO can take home 1000,000/year. But how many CEOs are here?
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-7 18:35 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-7 18:44 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 wolfgan 于 2008-12-7 18:35 发表
9 v- f8 `- h* p7 J" z' ?1个
* b  Q/ T4 [8 Z' U
鲜花(25) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-7 18:52 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 hanxishang 于 2008-12-7 18:08 发表
5 e# Y- g& ?9 q, X5 A0 D% D. I0 o1 \" X
The CEO can take home 1000,000/year. But how many CEOs are here?
* C6 g: H) ^" G* x
& l6 j  z7 j+ T, m
自己没挣到税后10000不等于其它人也挣不到,这里好多人都是可以拿到税后10000的。。。跟是不是CEO没鸟关系& [' W$ w9 ]/ Y# B6 M

3 c. n  v: F+ O8 f+ y( V- |朋友中电工,焊工只要有好的schedule都能拿到最少税后7000多,如果是夜班就能接近10000,更别提那些拿LOA的人了
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-7 20:13 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-8 15:23 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 wolfgan 于 2008-12-7 20:13 发表 , M( r; k7 b; l' J9 D( H8 ^
- Z8 f- I% X- z9 I1 I: s, s' m
10000000/HUR, Do you believe that?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-9 21:47 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 wolfgan 于 2008-12-7 20:13 发表
7 k; _- h0 m) V" X+ B: {我听说有1小时100多的,加上补贴什么的,
% w& A, ~0 v% ]4 V% t: ?/ t
Yes, it is normal rate for an experienced B pressure welder working as a contractor..... believe or not, it is real. And I believe GF can make more than $20K a month too is normal because they collect the AOL as well as higher rate.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-10 00:05 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 lunik 于 2008-12-7 18:52 发表
; N% l; @1 q" U& `! c% H; @$ l, i# L. V2 [& s9 w
$ k, X/ @6 d( N1 ]; U7 m
自己没挣到税后10000不等于其它人也挣不到,这里好多人都是可以拿到税后10000的。。。跟是不是CEO没鸟关系- A4 h6 d2 V) h. a7 d2 y$ S

7 N( E. I8 s9 B' m朋友中电工,焊工只要有好的schedule都能拿到最少税后7000多,如果是夜班就能接近10000,更别提那些 ...
是好多人可以拿到税后10000,还是很多人可以拿到税后10000.  我们说的多数人,不是指少数人.
5 E. c5 x5 t. Z& x2 A2 Q7 R2 f0 S0 T, x2 Z/ \: c
[ 本帖最后由 hanxishang 于 2008-12-10 00:06 编辑 ]
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