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发表于 2008-5-5 23:15
1 h+ }* \: R# p5 n0 z Question: How can Taiwan be saved?2 d! n! ]- H4 G& H: c; N* w
9 i/ j1 f) w2 Y 9 M1 @" a. j& _3 h( U
上人:不墮胎、不殺生。" c7 I) J( b) S/ Q
The Venerable Master: By not having abortions, by not killing living beings.$ L0 ?- M: }, E- E/ D( D* H7 C" U
0 a4 S5 F' c4 u7 a }- a . E) K ^" S: s3 P; D# a2 o1 l7 h
! w0 ~+ D2 `/ d1 x; x! `/ q/ m Question: Abortion constitutes as karma of killing. Since I didn’t study Buddhism before, I unknowing committed the killing offense. How can I make up for my offense?
1 Q- `1 ~4 g$ |+ @% U3 w: e) V! y! N8 U. k/ q6 @
; q. l. I4 i2 n$ ~0 w) a! E, y I上人:多做功德,多懺悔,多念佛。
8 i' B% n' E5 ^5 N4 r9 n The Venerable Master: By doing more meritorious and virtuous deeds, by doing more repentance and reform, and by reciting the Buddha's name more often.
2 |0 b8 c; i/ N* O5 @0 Y Z2 u* T H+ }2 W' c/ Z
2 v1 v0 s0 q# @9 r% l1 G) L問:聽說墮胎在佛教裏是不對的,但從前不知而犯過,今後將作何補救?1 M" G4 g- j& o3 l
Question: I've heard that abortion is wrong in Buddhism, but I committed this offense in the past without knowing that it was wrong. What can I do now to redress the harm that I have caused?' _7 o1 J: w5 y2 ~+ i# L
5 F; j2 v, }7 ~2 g# ~6 b$ L 1 P( Z* G# w- G& F4 g
( C2 N( t9 G* Z, x The Venerable Master: No wholesome deed is greater than correcting one's own faults. Even if your offenses are enormous, as if they were pervading the sky, if you sincerely repent and reform, they will be eradicated.
E- ~+ x7 k: e3 E1 M0 u3 g- ~' L8 O" l) C) ^1 M
+ t- g# B7 N* L* c+ r8 I" I問:請教上人,現在報章雜誌上面,時常看到「供養嬰靈」,到底嬰靈是需要供養呢?還是要超度他往生?
Z% z4 x9 ~/ P& W K Question: Nowadays, there are many advertisements on “Making Offerings to Infant Spirits” in newspapers and magazines. Can we make offerings to infant spirits, or should they be crossed over instead?& [1 R1 Y- R! f9 M* d3 [
2 V: I0 `( ~, N" q$ x7 C3 k
0 v& I& o7 V5 D4 @5 B
$ p7 D$ |% _1 E2 q# W- {( \ The Venerable Master: The term “Making Offerings” cannot be used in this context, because an infant spirit is not the Triple Jewel (the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha). If you consider making offerings to infant spirits, you will fall into the trap of erroneous views. Rather, it should be called “crossing over.” Crossing over living beings is not the same as making offerings to them, because the act of crossing over enables them to leave suffering and attain bliss. However, the infant spirits’ resentment is so great that they are difficult to appease. Given that the debt owed to these spirits involves taking lives, it needs to be repaid with life. However, if such debtors encounter genuine cultivators of the Bodhi Way who are not greedy for wealth, they still have a chance to cross over the infant spirits.
: A$ m' @" f. Z7 s
. M# [ w& j, U& w' u; B# t ' b' G! v* g( s( g. k/ E# |
問:有許多人付錢供養嬰靈,能解冤嗎?. u- u: u9 a l' F) i$ |+ L5 Z& h
Questions: Many people pay money to make offerings to infant spirits, can these spirits’ resentment and grievance be redressed by doing so?# _& m/ |9 z$ ]4 g' A) |
! U0 g5 @/ z n5 d* H
) B$ P; m; g M8 n上人:不能解。& Y( [1 X1 Z9 Q
The Venerable Master: No.
/ y! x4 u+ ]+ |5 G* z& H$ F. d4 ?' i* b/ n
, B, s2 |9 T6 T; y# L問:現在有很多人借嬰靈斂財,有些佛教人士頗不以為然。請問師父您的觀點如何?嬰靈是否會造成當事者身體不健康,或帶來其他方面的困擾?讓一些墮胎的當事者因畏懼、害怕,結果花錢為嬰靈買牌位。所以,請問師父您對這方面的看法如何?嬰靈是否會作怪?又該如何去調伏?才能夠讓嬰靈安心?
+ h; h6 [7 w9 ~: \% i5 E" x Questions: Nowadays, many people take advantage of others by claiming to appease infant spirits as a way to make money. Some Buddhists really frown upon this practice. Venerable Master, what is your opinion? Will infant spirits cause the individuals who owe them ill health or other problems? Some people who had abortions are scared into spending money to buy plaques for infant spirits. Venerable Master, what are your thoughts on this? Are infant spirits really able to cause trouble? If so, how do we subdue these spirits? How do we pacify and comfort them?+ O7 O( ~% J/ w0 w) \' g/ ~, M6 K2 G m
/ I6 d- a- _; ?, E
2 f" x; d& c0 ], k. O2 Q* `
上人:弄個牌位,不如沒有位。什麼叫沒有位呢?根本就是不該去墮胎;不墮胎,就是不殺生;不殺生,就免得多此一舉。至於,給嬰靈弄個牌位,這叫捨本逐末,掩耳盜鈴。能不能超度?是否可以解開這個冤債?這是不一定的。所以,與其悔之於後,不如防之於前;在未婚前,不要吃避孕藥,也不要發生男女的關係……,為什麼等不了呢?為什麼要那麼著急呢?為什麼要那麼饞呢?4 |1 G1 q% B& t) p0 G5 V3 E
The Venerable Master: It would be better to have no plaque than to set up a plaque. What do I mean by this? One should not have an abortion in the first place; by refraining from abortion, one does not kill; by not killing, one doesn’t even need to set up a plaque. Setting up a plaque for fetus spirits is called “attending to the trifles and neglecting the essentials,” and it is like “covering up one's ears to steal a bell,” for one is deceiving oneself. Can those infant spirits be crossed over? Can the debts be settled? The answers are uncertain. Therefore, it is better to prevent problems from happening than to feel regret afterwards. Before one is married, one should not take birth control pills or have sexual intercourse. Why can’t you wait until you get married? Why are you in such a hurry? |