12月15日,在bay买了个锅铲,原来以为bay里面的东西质量有保证,没想到今天就坏了,断成两截! - ]2 ?4 s1 x$ |% i d+ G9 @天地良心,我可没拿它当榔头使!小票肯定是找不到了,这种情况有没可能退掉呢? - Y1 c. n; l3 E7 @0 }# I5 u' F + u0 p C% t: O. r8 U0 e2 C' h5 c还有个事儿,那天我还开了一张bay的信用卡,到今天还没给我寄来,这都一个月了,到时候信用卡公司不会收我利息吧???6 [* z# N n g+ G( n% }6 F
. z1 U9 \9 R3 n1 k8 c' s; H
Call this number: 1-800-263-2599 I did this morning. They said would sent me another one, but I have to pay the bill before Jan 28! The new card and statement will be received in 7-10 days.' T) I: `/ B l. I3 `! g
2 L0 M+ f, {' D: C$ MThank everyone's suggestions. I will try to refund it.