Bungalow(Near 109ave-164st.) Double garage, Finished basement. Quiet street,Very good condition and very good deal! The things 1 S4 d5 @4 Q7 Iyou need to do is MOVE IN only. 5 a6 z5 M& Y6 h% m( e$ TSize:1009sqft* n( {( Z: n3 p
Lot:50x1004 A- W1 V- c% d
bdroom: 33 X8 X+ c& L! C0 s S6 W2 a* ^: g
Layout: Perfect ; ?7 o9 D$ \# ?6 fPRICE: $ 379,000 + H' l. \$ J7 lHouse for sale by owner. So it is good price! Do not miss out! Any questions? Please contact with me.: z( R0 t& c$ B6 [0 f* ~
2 G8 u' Q7 c! s/ a
Ph: 885-2159