"Overall this looks like a much more "normal" market than what we've seen of late, and it looks like we are in a buyers market. It is definitely the best time to buy that we've seen in the past two years." # O3 M4 Z* I/ V+ h$ U0 b! W ' `6 K0 \* n5 R- q此翁的结论和本人几天前发表的标题文章"从统计数据看看EDMONTON房市是否真的降温了"几乎一致。
原帖由 ECA 于 2007-7-1 19:02 发表 $ q; k9 C# A j; |5 s7 R
"Overall this looks like a much more "normal" market than what we've seen of late, and it looks like we are in a buyers market. It is definitely the best time to buy that we've seen in the past t ...
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would you please post its website address here ?