鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
those are University of Dahousie, University of Alberta(UOA), Universtiy of Toronto, the University of Westen Ontario(UWO), you can search them easily on websites.
+ n& @' _5 a9 ?& @1 i( H6 Z7 b1 A
- y9 k) D. ^# x) _Originally posted by 美甲萍踪侠影 at 2004-11-10 12:14 PM:
0 Q! } g5 ?4 G) _+ p/ E" `. Y% j* P第3楼:' ?3 T9 g# J6 v( b5 I/ [
很多都有,如:Dahousie,UOA,Totonto,UWO,...自己找找就是了。: n" D1 s2 \$ @
; l" |9 @2 q8 ~
. Q8 d; Z+ d+ c- J7 R( F" G 我LG是学电力的,我帮他问的:Dahousie,UOA,Totonto,UWO都是什么意思,在哪找? |