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本帖最后由 ywang7 于 2018-4-18 12:21 编辑
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5 H3 T3 a" o0 b- |! D9 O! l关于这类移民申请,在加拿大移民及难民保护条例里做了清楚的说明。
8 h% T7 q# v- y( W3 D. T移民担保人在自己申请移民资格的时候,必须清楚详尽的列出自己的直系亲属,包括非婚生子女。没有被列出的亲属,不能在未来通过家庭团聚途径(family sponsorship)申请移民。此判决源自加拿大联邦上诉法院的案例 De Guzman v. Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), [2006] 3 FCR 655, 2005 FCA 436 ; H' p2 L; a) j7 r- @* W
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故意隐瞒家庭信息的担保人自身的移民资格也有被追回剥夺的可能,但移民局需要证实该隐瞒严重误导移民官的判断 (seriously misleading)。0 x& Q4 ? m" s; G& u! Z# r
0 C9 f1 V4 @& m- B0 i9 b唯一挽救的途径是人道考虑 (Humanitarian and compassionate grounds)。既担保人在本人移民申请是并未主观故意遗漏,而是出于不知情或错误信息(比如误以为子女在战乱中丧生)。需要说明的是移民官对此有绝对的决定权,如果移民官不认可人道考虑,申请人没有向移民上诉委员会(IRD)或联邦法院(FCC)申请行政复核的权利(judicial review)。
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此案张先生与另案中的J先生的关键区别在于是否主动隐瞒,有意误导获利。此外,如果子女满22岁或者已婚/同居,则不能被亲生父母担保移民。需要走Economic class而非家庭团聚
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. \: e: M$ ?' rImmigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (SOR/2002-227)
9 v+ T0 V. K1 ?4 c; ]; G o8 U/ us. 117(9)(d) subject to subsection (10), the sponsor previously made an application for permanent residence and became a permanent resident and, at the time of that application, the foreign national was a non-accompanying family member of the sponsor and was not examined.- @2 s1 d1 A# z' w% z9 h
s. 117(11)(a) the sponsor was informed that the foreign national could be examined and the sponsor was able to make the foreign national available for examination but did not do so or the foreign national did not appear for examination |