我想去驾校,但是找不到啊,我按照黄页上介绍的学校打电话要不是没有人接,要不就是没有位置,大家能否给点建议,去哪里学比较好,为什么他们都没有人接电话呢,我留言也没有人回,就找到一个CAA,还没有位置,真是恼人啊,大家都去哪里学的呀 5 z7 S) n f, I. n9 p- M. u" `/ T' U谢谢了
You can try National Driving School, a Korean driving teacher, he is pretty nice, and also you can get a good price at $380 (including 10 hours road drivig practice and 15 hours basic driving knowlege at school). I was a beginner when I started learning how to drive, after 12 hours driving lesson, I passed G5 GDL Test at the first time.0 Y/ B t8 X& K5 K: T* l1 d
原帖由 sunson 于 2007-2-26 12:46 发表4 n4 D# W, d$ h4 I6 o6 Q- m- t
You can try National Driving School, a Korean driving teacher, he is pretty nice, and also you can get a good price at $380 (including 10 hours road drivig practice and 15 hours basic driving kno ...
- D. X2 ^. ^0 P3 z# Q3 N
请问是在Fort McMurray吗,我对这个地址比较陌生呢? 0 n m; a7 j* l5 ]! J& V确实是个很好的deal9 ]3 o) t2 f' {3 t5 ~
是在爱城吧? 5 v ?6 r$ [) c+ J# y" S. q+ G$ t; G6 M H" _- @6 @+ P
[ 本帖最后由 firstbaptist 于 2007-2-28 08:42 编辑 ]