Saudis to cut crude exports by 7% next month $ U. Z7 w, u/ q4 l' ?! x ... 7-next-month-539267 . M- ] z) I' V & D9 C+ H. D3 R( N3 j! c/ p8 OSaudi Arabia will cut its monthly crude exports in November by 7% compared with a year ago。 ! s; S$ ^! `2 A+ @: B, t沙特日产原油约1千万桶,其中有7.7百万左右是出口的, 有两百多万桶是沙特消耗的。; i# n8 ^. X! G
虽然没有给出具体的数字,但估计7%应该是60万桶左右。2 T$ M6 A, e1 C* H