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CIC网站上有详细的说明,没看过入籍的要求吗?: A( C v! O& z4 C4 w
Regardless of your age, you must have been physically present in Canada as a permanent resident for at least:3 K3 R7 b. {' Q X3 P, p; c
6 b) r' g, z. M' J i1,460 days during the six years right before the date you sign your application; Z! S* F5 r, g/ Z9 L# N
183 days during each of four calendar years that are fully or partially within the six years right before the date you apply) |, @0 S7 j3 G/ V2 K% E% K
When calculating how long you have lived in Canada, you can only count time spent after you became a permanent resident.2 g7 c6 _& ^/ S5 l$ F
0 W6 D* G S1 G o8 KThese requirements don’t apply to children under 18 where a parent or guardian has applied on their behalf for citizenship using the subsection 5(2) application form.3 Z) |4 q# o0 I- b" T7 [/ y4 A0 K% `
$ |: r4 p9 ?; K0 }3 S; A% k$ t3 W
You may be eligible to apply even if you don’t meet the minimum time lived in Canada if you’re a:* I; [. ~7 [' g! P* \
3 m; i; R) H* V* a5 \0 w5 `( QCrown servant (certain categories of public officials)0 z4 t; N- m+ o( F4 G) j2 } U
family member of a Crown servant
2 ~9 l! ~. ^- c$ @( f k' |0 @Find out if you have lived in Canada long enough to apply to become a citizen. |