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[时事热评] 土豆皮当头,自由党在今年四月三日国会议员补缺选举中的表现是迄今最糟糕的

鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2017-4-4 18:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 苏海 于 2017-4-4 19:54 编辑 ! H3 }" p  B. L$ z. T% ~& T
7 H  j* @% [' c# X/ g& l9 s- P+ w
新闻要点和读者评论翻译   苏海翻译
- `1 l$ a2 x, f! a* f6 t) A+ m8 k& o2 |4 Y1 v& P. _
Liberals put up worst byelection results under Justin Trudeau , i  ]7 c( @( p1 ]0 m7 E. G
CBC News( s* I' B, U1 Z0 ]( ?% \
0 T# H! o. Q( _/ F! z: v
Éric Grenier. E1 K4 I6 |4 R* N4 I+ U
Politics and polls$ J  J' M/ V$ _2 X# _, G

5 w, H5 F- d, R7 h- X- \$ g8 N  aThere were no seat changes in Monday's federal byelections, but the governing Liberals took a hit in all five of the contested ridings — marking their worst byelection performances so far under Justin Trudeau.
4 _5 v, T! K7 U土豆皮当头,自由党在国会议员补缺选举中的表现是迄今最糟糕的。
* [+ d# y+ T5 a; {
& e9 f; z4 w- `" N1 s
* J$ c$ j2 e# A$ E/ a7 ?The Conservatives saw gains in three of the five ridings while the New Democrats took hits of their own in all but one, leaving the Conservatives as the winners of the night.
6 F' f# S' [% \, X% _$ \  o) r2 k7 W$ i0 u0 z) p. r
Liberals drop across the board
3 H: X7 d2 O, m* j+ O2 GTurnout was low on Monday, ranging from 27.5 per cent in Markham–Thornhill to 34.1 per cent in Ottawa–Vanier. Accordingly, the big parties lost votes in every riding — and the Liberals lost vote share across the board.
% g; o0 r; T1 l) h. L2 j1 _
3 u: q6 Y- U' ?& {This is a reversal of the trends exhibited between the 2011 and 2015 votes, when the Liberals made gains in 13 of 15 byelections and the Conservatives suffered losses in all of them.
8 b$ G3 {% h/ p, [3 M" m& Y( G( F1 M自由党此次的表现显示了一种趋势的逆转,自由党开始走下坡路,而在2011至2015的投票选举中,自由党在15个补缺选举中的13个都得分,而保守党则在所有的补缺选举中受挫。
. M; m. W, k! i, N  p/ P5 f% |; S1 A1 m6 P- h( R' n: {1 P
Granted, byelections can be largely driven by local issues. But being on the wrong side of the trend line does not bode well for future performance.! i8 n0 e" _, K; h- T8 [1 i
的确,地方问题主导补缺选举,但自由党站在趋势线的错误一边, 这 预示自由党在未来的选举中表现也不会好% S* u+ \2 {% A7 b

0 O) O9 m7 J1 b读者评论
, b6 ^7 R- v( F! I. l+ Z
! @0 a0 O' C: ?$ O, B- G# J, }John Langton
1 d6 f- h, @: l. S/ bWithout a doubt Trudeau has to go in 2019. + A7 i1 ?% \# @# e. n4 j3 c
毫无疑问,土豆皮2019必须走人。( B8 T" j/ _9 U9 ~& ^3 R
9 O5 X/ O& v! n
Neither party, liberal or conservative have any ethical or moral superior above the other but at least conservatives hold Canada and Canadians as their priority9 L5 ]" Y* U* s
' g8 Y& q6 b9 E2 [: M6 _% N
( Y4 h! ?* M4 [' E8 E: H/ DLouis Levesque
- g' m' U/ Q  Q  lThe honeymoon with Trudeau ended long ago. too many apologies from him on everything and not enough action. All style, zero substance and the people have caught on now.8 F2 ~9 ~, {( w. O* N; _
土豆皮的蜜月早就结束了,他在所有的事上做了很多很多的道歉但就是没有足够的行动。所有的都是花里胡哨的,没有一点货真价实的东西,人民现在看清了这家伙。, c/ W3 s7 ~! l: V2 S5 m

* G8 N# w  f. l2 X5 V/ N
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